Expecto Patronum (Cedric Diggory)

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"Come on y/n think! Just- think of the most happiest memory you've ever had" Harry says, pushing his glasses up to watch you.

"Okay okay, shush so I can think" you mumble. Everyone in the room closes their mouths and covers them with their hands.
"Oh you guys are so dramatic!" Hermione rambles from the corner.
"Shush Granger!" George snips at her. She whips her head around to him, only to find him intensely watching you.
"Piss off Weasley" she whispers.

You giggle to yourself before shaking your head and looking forward again.

"Now focus y/n. What is the happiest memory you can think of?" Harry asks.
You sigh and close your eyes.

There was a moment of silence before you scoff and open your eyes.
"Harry this is pointless!" You plead, dropping your hands to your side. Harry shakes his head. "No, you can't just quit y/n" he hisses.
You whip your head up and look at him.
"Now put your wand up, and try again" he demands.

"Fine." You snip.
Harry chuckles as you put your wand back up and close your eyes.

"Now I'm serious y/n, really think about your memory" he mumbles.


Millions of memories swam around in your head, but only one particular memory caught your attention.

You jumped into the memory as the brown headed boy flies down to you.

"Well hello y/n" Cedric beams, you watch as he pulls your past self into a hug.
"Hi Ced" your past self says, hugging him back.

You smile to yourself as a tear falls from your eye.

"Well...what do you see?" Harry asks you.
Your eyes stay closed as you explain your surroundings.

"I-It's right after we all apperated to the quidditch world cup-" you begin.

"Bloody hell, I remember that night" Ron chimes in.
Everyone shushes him and looks back at you.

"I'm with Cedric-" Harry cuts you off.
"Brilliant! Now, channel that energy into your wand, and very clearly say Expecto Patronum!" He explains.

You nod and take a deep breath.
"Expecto patronum" you croak out.
There was about 10 seconds of silence before the tip of your wand starts to light up. You smile as a badger comes running out the end of it"

"A badger? But y/n, you're in (any other house besides Hufflepuff)" Hermione says, standing up to look at the charm.

You sigh and pull your wand down, watching as the charm comes back into your wand. Everyone claps and cheers as Harry walks up to you.

"Cedric huh?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

You nod and look down at your wand.
"After he died I-I thought I would never be able to produce another Patronous" you explain.
Harry nods and pulls you into a hug.

"I think this is his way of telling you that he's still here"

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