Goblet of Fire~ Fred & George Weasley

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"Y/n come on! It's one potion!" Fred pleads as you continue to walk down the hallway, books hugged tightly to your chest.

"No! It's dangerous, and I'm not going behind Dumbledore's back!" You hiss as he takes a step back, knowing that he's pissed you off.

"B-But-" George begins as you quickly turn around.
They both back against the wall as you walk towards them, anger rising in your body.

"But nothing! I am NOT making an again potion for you impatient gits! You can wait another year to compete in the tournament" you snap as they both nod.

You smirk in confidence before walking towards your first class.

You can hear the twins mumbling and snickering behind you.

"What are you two going on about now?" You ask in an annoyed tone.

They both chuckle as you turn around to face them.
"What?" You ask when they both smile.

"Oh, we're just discussing what we need to make an aging potion" George says bluntly.
You raise an eyebrow and shake your head.
"You goons don't know how to make an aging potion" you state as they both smirk.

"Well I guess we'll just have to figure it out then" Fred says innocently.
"Yeah, even if we do mess up and hurt ourselves" George adds.

Your eyes widen as you look up at them. You could tell that they were trying to hold back their laughter as you scoff and turn around.

"Fine!" You hiss as they both squeal and jump around in excitement.

"We knew you would finally agree!" Fred beams, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

"Only because I don't want you idiots getting hurt" you mumble as George chuckles beside you.

He wrests his arm on Fred's arm as you three make your way to the Gryffindor common room.


"I'm sorry....you need what?" Fred asks, cocking an eyebrow in disgust.

George giggles before walking over to your bag that was laying on the floor.

You sigh before placing your head in your hands.
"Jesus Weasley, listen! I need two lizard eyes, and a goblin's tooth!" You explain as Fred gags.

"What in the bloody hell do you need that nasty stuff for?!" He asks frantically as George places the ingredients on the table.

"To make the potion Fred, duh" George states as Fred shakes his head.

"That is absolutely disgusting" Fred whines as you roll your eyes.

"Well y'know, I could stop and make you two wait until next year-" you begin as they both shake their heads rapidly.
You giggle before dropping the ingredients into the cauldron.

"Then stop complaining and get over here and help me stir this" you demand as they both plop down next to you.


You sigh in relief before leaning back in your chair, smiling at the potion that you had brewed.

"Merlin's beard.....it took about 5 hours....but- I think your potion is done boys!" You beam, grabbing the two viles and turning around in your chair.

You furrow your eyebrows and scoff when you see them both asleep on the couch in the common room.

You quickly grab two books and throw them at the twins.
They both jump up, groaning in pain when their heads collide.

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