You're my soulmate ~ FW pt 2

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You quickly turn your phone off, grabbing your bag and rushing towards the door.
"Hey- Sedona...where are you going?" Fred asks, standing up to follow you.

"I-I need to go....I have a ton of homework to do and-" you begin.
"Well let us help you...we-" Fred adds, but you quickly shut him up.

"No! No, I want to do it by myself okay? I-I'll meet you guys at dinner" you assure him, turning around and running up the stairs.

"O-okay" Fred says dissappointedly.


You were sitting on your bed, hugging your pillow tightly to your chest.
"Fred Weasley. Fredrick Gidian Weasley, is my soulmate" you say outloud to yourself.

You didn't really know how to feel. On one hand, you liked a lot. You always have. Of course he didn't know that...only George and Ginny did. George doesn't mind you having a crush on his twin instead of him, he swings for the other team anyways (SORRY I HAD TO)
but on the other hand, you feel like Fred could never like you back.
He always used to tease you about how you were too "un-lady" like to have a boyfriend.
(Which you aren't)
But you believed him. It low-key made you feel insecure, but you knew that if he ever found out that he hurt would crush him from the inside out.


There was a soft knock at the door. You look up to see George standing in the doorway.
"Come in" you mumble, sitting up from your pillow.
He nods before walking into the room, sitting on the edge of your bed.

"Are you going to tell him?" He asks you.
You viciously shake your head.
"Of course not! Why on earth would I do that?!" You ask.
"Oh I don't know Sedona...because he's your soulmate! And he deserves to know!" George pleads.
"But what if he doesn't accept it?" You ask, your voice lowering.

George sighs before pulling you into a hug.
"Sedona look at me" he says, pulling your chin up with his finger.
"Any guy, would be absolutely lucky, to have you as a soulmate, and this lucky man just so happens to be my brother, who just so happens to be your bestfriend. And right now, your bestfriend is down in the common room- thinking he did something utterly terrible to upset you" George explains, placing a small kiss to your forehead.

"Thanks Georgie" you say, standing up.
"Anytime, anytime" he says in a country accent.
"" you tease.
He giggles before pushing you towards the door.
"Now- go tell my brother that you two are meant for eachother!" He yells.

You giggle and smack his arm before heading down the stairs.
"Good luck Sedona" he mumbles.


You reach the bottom of the stairs and sigh when you see Fred sitting on the couch, his head in his hands.
You clear your throat as his head shoots up to look at you.
He immediately jumps up from the couch and runs over to you, wrapping you in a bone crushing hug.
"Oh my gosh Sedona, I am so sorry for whatever I did...I didn't mean it, I-" you quickly cut him off.

"Fred. Sit down" you say, pointing to the couch.
He nods before following you, sitting down on the cushion.
You sit down beside him, grabbing his hand in yours.
He looks down and furrows his eyebrows before smiling and rubbing a small circle over your hand.

"Freddie I've got to tell you something" you say, pulling out your phone and war buds.
You place the earbuds into your ears, pulling up the song and pressing play.

Cause I still fuckin
Live you babe
Sidewalks we crossed

You sang along to the lyrics did Fred.
His eyes widened as he suddenly realized what you were trying to tell him.

You sighed and took your earbuds out, the song still playing as you sat your phone down on the couch.

"It's you" he whispers, his eyes glued to yours.
You nod and look down.
"I know what you're going to say. And I'm sorry that I can't change the way things are but Fred- I don't wanna change them. I like having you as my soulmate" you explain, tears pricking at your eyes.
Fred sighs and looks down as you continue to speak.

"Fred, you're the only boy that I have ever been able to truly picture my future with. And it kills me on the inside because I know-"
"You know what?" He finally says, cutting you off.

You sigh and look down.
"I know that- you'll never feel the same way"

The music was muffled by the headphones, but was still playing in the background. You could hear the faint mumbling.

You let a tear fall as you begin to stand up.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything...I'm gonna go" you say, walking away.

But before you could reach the stairs, a hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you back.
You look forward, confused as a pair of lips smash into yours.
It was Fred.
Your eyes widen as you quickly pull away out of fear.
He takes a few steps back and looks around frantically like he did something wrong.

"I-I'm sorry Sedona I-I didn't mean to it's just, you were rambling on and on about your feelings and I didn't know how to express mine so I just- went for it" he explains.

You look up at him, a small smile painting across your lips.

"Does this mean that you're not mad about the universe's choice?" You ask.

"Mad? Sedona why would I be mad?" He asks.
You sigh and rest your forehead on his chest.
"I just thought, that since you said that I wad too "un-lady" like to have a boyfriend...I thought that it meant that you wouldn't want me either" you explain, pain echoing through your voice.

You felt Fred's body press against yours as his arm wrapped around you. He used his index finger to lift your chin up so you were looking at him. And he was looking at you.
He leaned in slowly, his lips brushing against yours.
"I am so sorry, if I ever made you feel like anything less- than the most beautiful and important person in my life. I love you, and I hope you dan forgive me" he says softly.
You smile and pull him into you, your lips crashing together.

He smiles into the kiss, and so do you.

You hear footsteps on the stairs as George walks out the door.
"Finally" he retorts.

You both giggle and pull away. Breathing heavily.

The song continues to play on your phone. it wa nearing the end.

"So...shall we make it official? Sk I dan stop hearing this god awful song everyday" he teases, grabbing your hands.
"We shall" you say.

Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street: you sing in unison.

The song on your phone slowly ends as you both look at eachother.

"'re my soulmate"

Heyyyy I hope you liked it. I think that this is one of my favorite imagines I have wrote so far. This was so fun to write!

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