Trust issues ~ pt 2

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2 days later

You were walking into the great hall. All of your friends greeted you as normal, but then there was the mysterious boy that you had talked to in the common room that one day.

He looked at you with pain and sorrow in his eyes as he walked past your table.
"Ronnie...who is that?" You ask, nudging Ron in the arm.
Ron looks back and sighs.
"That's Draco Malfoy...and don't even think about it, because he doesn't like Gryffindors" Ron assured you.

You rolled your eyes and smacked him playfully.
"Oh please. I would never date a Slytherin" you say.
Ron chuckles nervously.
"Y-yeah....never" he croaks out.

"Hey sis.....Potter's giving you quite the stare" George teases.
You look over at Harry, and sure enough....he was staring at you.

"Ew as if" you snarl your nose and look away.
You can see Draco smirk through the corner of your eye.


Dinner was over and everyone was in the common room, everyone besides you. You always wandered the halls at night. It was your favorite thing to do. You remember walking around with somebody at one point in time....but you just couldn't remember who.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't even hear the footsteps inching closer and closer to you as you walked down the corridor.
When you felt a small tap on your shoulder, you jumped and whipped around.
"Woah woah woah y/n calm down. It's just me" Draco assured you.
You let out a sigh of relief before smacking him hard.
"Don't do that you git!" You warn.

When you looked at him, his eyes were soft and puffy. His hair was matted and his clothes were wrinkly.

"A-are you okay?" You ask, placing your hand on his arm comfortingly.

You didn't even know who this boy was, but you could tell that he knew you. Some how, this stranger knew you....and you were so confused. He looked so hurt, but you didn't know why.

You pulled him into a small hug as he melted in your arms.
"I missed this" he mumbles.

You pull away and look up at him.

" do you know me?" You ask quietly.
He sighs before looking down.
"Y/n....believe it or not....we were once very close. I were closer to me more than anyone has ever been before" he explains.

"What happened? D-did I do something wrong?" You ask.

Draco rests his hands on your shoulders and quickly shakes his head.
"Oh no did no such thing" he assures you.
"Then what happened.....why can't I remember you?" You ask confusingly.

He sighs before kissing your forehead.
"If you would be heartbroken" he mumbles.
You let a tear fall as you hug his waist.

" do I know you're not tricking do I know that I really once knew you?" You ask, pulling away from him.

He looks into your eyes, deeply studying them.
He begins to play with his fingers until he finally looks down at them. Then he looks at yours and smiles.

"The ring on your hand....I've got the same one" he says, grabbing your hand with the ring.
You look at your ring and then at his. Sure enough, they were the exact same.

"I-I thought that my mum had sent me this and I just didn't remember" you plead, running your finger over the small ball that sat on the thin metal.
Draco shakes his head and does the same to his ring.

You both stand there in silence for about 5 minutes just looking at eachother and the rings before he finally speaks.

"These rings have the recordings of the first time you asked ME out!" Draco beams, giggling.
"Wait wait wait.....we were dating?!" You ask.
He nods and smiles.
"Yeah" he says sadly:(

"And I asked YOU out?" You ask again.
He looks up at you and nods.
"Wow. I'm a smooth bitch" you tease, nudging his side.
He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Y'know....I wonder if yours still works since....yeah" he whispers the last part.
You still didn't know what he was talking about.
"Here....may I?" He asks, reaching out his hand.
You smile and nod as you place your hand in his.
He pulls out his wand and mumbles a spell, circling his wand over the ring.

It lights up in a light green color before you can hear your own voice beam.
"Oi...Malfoy!" You yell.
"What's up Weasley?" He asks.
"I-I was wondering if you uh.....wanted to go on with. me?" You ask.
"I mean you totally don't have was just a thought and-" you begin.
"Y/n....I would love to" he finally cuts you off.

Then, the rings close.
Your whole vision was blurry as you stumbled back a bit, into Draco. He immediately catches you and stands you up, his arm still around your waist.

"Y/n?......y/n are you okay?!" He asks frantically.
Your vision finally focuses as you look up at him.

"Hey Dray...what are we doing in the corridors?"

Pt 3 later

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