Enemies to Lovers pt 2

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20 years later (I know, big jump)

You watched as your son and daughter walked into your living room with you and your husband Draco sitting on the couch.

"M-mom, dad. I need to talk to you about something" your son Micah said quietly.
Your daughter Grabriella giggled as she sat beside her brother.

Both of your kids were 17, and in their 7th year at Hogwarts. Lately, Micah has been acting weird. So you weren't surprised when he said he had something to tell you.

"Well spit it out Mikey what is it?" Draco asked, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.

"I-I like somebody" he whispers.
Draco's eyes light up as he jumps up from the couch.
"Well that's great news Mikey...So, who's the lucky gal?" He asks.
You smile and look at your son, your smile quickly dropping when your son let's a tear fall from his eyes as his sister rubs his back.

"Micah...what's wrong?" You ask, placing your hand on his knee.
He looks up at you with a pleading look.
"I like...Albus Potter" he mumbles.

Draco's expression only drops to a confused expression.
You smile as you pull him into a hug.

"That's great son! So- you're?" You ask.
"Yes mom, I'm gay" he assures you.

You squeal and pull him into another hug.
His gaze shoots up towards Draco, who was still standing there with a confused expression.

"D-dad?" Gabriella asks.
Draco looks down at her.
"Hmm?" He hums in response.

"Well, what do you have to say?" Micah asks, standing up ready to take anything his dad wants to say to him.

Draco's eyes soften as he places his hand on Micah's shoulder.
"Son....when I met your mother, we were mortal enemies right from the start. I made fun of her family name, she called me a bleached blonde....and things took a turn from there. But later, I apologized to her in her dorm, and we became the best of friends" Draco explains. You smile at the story.

"What does this have to do with anything I just told you?" Micah asks. You giggle and pat him on the shoulder.

"Mikey, what your father is trying to say, is judging a book by its cover doesn't always work" you try to explain.
Micah and Grabriella both cock their eyebrows.
"Huh?" They say in unison.

Draco sighs and rubs your back.

"Mikey we don't care that you're gay, or that you like a Potter" Draco hisses the last word. You softly smack his knee. He chuckles and looks back at your kids.

"As long as you're happy, we're happy" you beam.
Micah's eyes glisten with joy as he runs up and hugs you both.
"Thank you guys" he mumbles before running up stairs.

You both giggle and look back at your daughter.
"What are you still doing down here?" You ask her.
She smiles and fiddles with her thumbs.

"Yeahhhh about dating a Potter.....I have a date with Mark, Albus's cousin tonight" she says.

You and Draco look at eachother and laugh.


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