Christmas with the characters pt 9

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Fred Weasley

"Freddie come on wake up!" You yell, shoving his side softly.
He groans before rolling over to face the wall.
"5 more minutes mom!" He teases. You scoff and pick up a pillow, slamming it down on his side. He jolts up and whips his head around to glare at you.
"What the hell was that for?" He asks. You giggle and stand up.
"Everyone is waiting on us!" You explain, walking towards the door. He rolls his eyes and lays back down.
"Well they can wait a couple more minutes" he pleads, covering his face with the pillow.
You shake your head and walk over to him, grabbing his arm and yanking him off of the bed. He let's out a scream as he falls to the ground.
"Bloody hell- that hurt" he whines, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head.
"Come on you big baby" you tease, walking towards the door. You hear him scoff before he stands up.

"You're gonna regret that-" he begins running after you. You scream and run down the stairs and into the living room with everyone else.

Fred chases after you as you jump behind George.
"Georgie help- he's gonna hit me with a pillow" you explain. George nods teasingly before standing up and pushing you behind him dramatically. Fred comes flying down the stairs, stopping dead in his tracks when he sees you behind George.
"Move brother, this is between me and y/n" Fred jokes. George shakes his head and pushes you behind him further.
"I'm afraid I can't do that Fredrick" he replies. Fred's eyes widen as he runs towards you both. He swings the pillow around to hit George in the side.
George let's out a gasp before stumbling back and falling to the ground dramatically.
You drop to your knees beside him, grasping his hand in yours.

"R-remember me. T-tell my tale" he croaks out.
You try really hard not to laugh as a fake tear rolls down your cheek.
"N-no you can't die. We-we're supposed to be a team!" You yell, leaning down and hugging him.


You fall backwards as you lean into Hermione, laughing hysterically.

"Honestly- you three would be the only ones to rehearse this every day, just for today" Ginny says.
You all look at eachother and giggle.

"But the thing is-" Fred begins.
"We didn't rehearse anything at all" George finishes the sentence.
Ginny's eyes widen as she looks over at you. You giggle and shake your head.
"Nope, that was all natural raw talent" you assure her. She scoffs and rolls her eyes.
"I don't know about talent but- that was pretty funny" she agrees.


"Alright Fred, you next" Molly says, getting ready to push him down the hill.
"He's not Fred I am!" George teases. You furrow my eyebrows at Fred as he shakes his head and tells you to shush. You giggle and turn around.
"Honestly woman you call yourself our mother" Fred teases.
"Oh-sorry George" Molly apologizes, getting ready to push "George" down the hill.

"Y/n now!" Fred yells. You smile and run to the sled, jumping onto the back of it and wrapping your arms around his waist.
"I'm only joking, I am Fred" he assures Molly. She scoffs and begins running towards you. You let out a scream, "go go go!".

Fred laughs before pushing himself forward as you guys take off down the hill.
"Uhhh Fred-" you begin. He let's out a yell as you guys slide over a bump, causing you to fly into the air. You scream as you begin falling towards the ground.
You groan and roll over as everyone laughs and claps at you two.
You feel a hand grab yours as you look over to see Fred smiling at you.
"You okay?" He asks. You smile and nod, sitting up and hugging him.

"Let's do it again!" You yell. His eyes widen as he shakes his head.
"How about- let's not die on Christmas!" He pleads. You giggle and nod in agreement, pulling him into a kiss.
"Merry Christmas Freddie"
"Merry Christmas y/n"

I have 3 more to do, it's about the girls! I hope you guys like these, I think they're pretty fun to make.

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