They get hit with the Crutacious curse(only students)

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So this is like a pt 2 of the imagine before this. In the imagine before this, you know how the characters act when YOU get hit with the curse, but in this imagine you find out how they act when THEY get hit with the curse.

Imagine you're running down the hall in the battle of Hogwarts. Hand in hand with (insert your person if choice)
A deatheater comes flying around the corner and yells "CRUCIO!" While pointing their wand at you.
You feel yourself being shoved to the side as you hear a scream of agony coming from (your person) as they drop to the ground.

No "phrases" or anything that they would say cuz like- be honest, would you be able to talk when that spell hit your body.

-Remember that scream he did when Sirius died? Yeah, he screamed like that.
-his hand was squeezing your skirt as he cried into your arms from pain.

- Let's out a whole shriek
- A lot of random yells in agony and jaw clenching.

-is absolutely sobbing
-wants you to hold him until the pain stops.
-when it does, it takes all of his strength, but he leans up and gives you a giant hug.


-tries to stay calm for you but can't
-lets out a small yelp in pain.
-when the curse is over, he falls asleep on your lap.


-hunches over and doesn't want you seeing him like that.
-breathes heavily and let's out a few groans, but never yells.

-screams like a girl (sorry)
-falls into your arms
-screams in agony and cries into your shirt.

- Doesn't scream, doesn't cry, doesn't even move.
-tells you to leave the room.
-when you do, he drops to his knees and literally yells so loud, like omg.


- Doesn't like crying in front of you, but he's in serious pain.
-lays beside you while you rub your hand up and down his back trying to calm him down.
-when the curse lifts, he moves his head to your lap and you run your fingers through his hair until he falls asleep.


- Mans doesn't haven't any shame for crying in front of you (he shouldn't, he's a whole softy and it's adorable).
-yells a lot in pain and anger.
-when the curse lifts, he gives you a small hug and then you help him into another classroom.


- You remember that scream she did when Bellatrix was torturing her? Yeah, that scream.
-grips onto her sleeves and doesn't want you touching her.

-bish doesn't cry, she a bad bish
-okay okay, she cries a little.
-she let's you hold her until the curse wears off.

-yells in pain and drops to the floor.
-holds out her hand for you to take so you can hold her.
-lays her head in your lap and you stroke her hair softly.

Heyyyy. Hope you enjoyed this one. I'll probably do an imagine later about the Crutacious curse later. I just don't know with who yet. If you have any preferences with whom to do it with, please comment or dm me lmao.

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