Umbridge(Fred Weasley)

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You pushes your desk away before getting up and fuming out of the classroom. Umbridge had just given you detention. You wouldn't have really cared, but, Umbridge is known for being the worst teacher in Hogwarts. You've heard stories about her giving students sentences to write with a quil that scars you, but you didn't believe that. "How could a teacher be allowed to do that" you thought to yourself. You walk to dinner with your books tightly against your chest. You run into your boyfriend Fred, knocking all of the books put of your hands.

F- Woah! Y/n I'm so sorry.

He quickly bent down to start picking up your books for you. You bent down as well and giggled.

Y/I- No! It's okay Fred. It's not your fault, I wasn't paying attention.

He smiled at you before handing you the fallen books. You smiled at him.

F- Doing anything tonight?

Your smile immediately dropped and your head hung low.

F- hey, what's wrong my love?

Y/I- I have detention with umbridge. You muttered.

F- Oh no, what did you do?

Y/I- I may or may not have told Malfoy to fuck off-

Fred rolled his eyes.

Y/I- okay, okay! But he deserved it. He wouldn't stop calling me mud blood.

Fred giggled and shook his head.

F- Well, I would give you a long speech about how bad it is to cuss out Draco Malfoy because of who his family is, but, you have worse punishment coming. Especially since you have detention with Umbridge.

Y/I- Oh Fred come on! It can't be that bad!

Fred's eyes widened at you.

F- Not that bad?! Y/n she's a monster!

You roll your eyes and shake your head.

Y/I- Well would you like to walk me there?

F- Yes, but after dinner.

You nod your head before grabbing his hand and going to dinner.

After dinner, you and Fred walk to Umbridge's classroom. She was already waiting for you with a quil in her hand. She looked annoyed.

F- I'll be right here when you get out.

Y/I- No Fred go! I'll be fine!

Fred rolled his eyes before nodding and walking away. You look forward and walk into the classroom.

MU(Mrs. Umbridge)

MU- your 5 minutes late Ms. L/N!

Y/I- I know, I'm sorry a kid dropped their stuff at dinner and I was behind them and I-

MU- No excuses!

You rolled your eyes and walked over to her.

MU- Your going to write sentences for me today.

Y/I- how many?

MU- Let's just say- until it's permanently stuck with you.

You gulp before taking the quil from her.

MU- you will write " I will not use foul language against my fellow peers as long as I'm enrolled in Hogwarts"

You sigh before picking up the quil and placing it on the paper. You begin to write. You get to the 3rd word before feeling a slight stinging at the top of your hand. You ignore it and continue to write.
Your on your 20th sentence now, the pain is unbearable. You look down at your hand and see the blood dripping from the engraved words. "It was true" you thought to yourself. "All the rumors were true".

Y/I- Uh- Mrs. Umbridge?

She looks up at you over her newspaper.

Y/I- How many more sentences?

She gets up out of her chair and walks over to you. She lowers her glasses and grabs your arm. You wince in pain. She looks you up and down.

MU- 5 more. Then you may go.

You gape your mouth open. She smiles and walks away. You looks down at your hand and sigh before picking up the quil again. "5 more, I can do this"
With tears streaming down your face, you place the last period on the piece of paper. You set the quil down and get up. You place the paper on Umbridge's desk. She lowers her newspaper and grabs your wrist again. This time you whimper in even more pain than before. She looks back up at you and smiles. There in deep cuts was the words "i will not use foul language against my fellow peers as long as I an enrolled at Hogwarts" she rolls her eyes before dropping your hand.

MU- you are excused. I'll see you in class tomorrow.

You quickly grab your things before running out of the classroom gripping your hand and sobbing from the pain. You turn the corner to hallway to get to the girl's dormitory, only to bump into someone. You sigh in relief as you look up to see Fred. He grabs your shoulders still not realizing it's you.

F- Oh bloody hell I'm sorry I didn't see you there-

He looks forward. His expression slowly drops once he sees your face. He grips onto your shoulders before looking down at your hand.

F- Oh y/n-

He pulls you into an immediate hug. You sob into his chest.

Y/I- I- I thought I could handle th- the pain, but it was just-just to-too much.

He slowly strokes your hair.

F- shhhh my love, I know. She's an asshole.

You sob into his sweater some more. He gently pulls you away before gently grabbing your wrist. You watch him cast a spell that slowly wraps bandages around your hand.

F- it'll be sore for a while, but it will get better I promise. Trust me, George and I have had our fair share with the blood quil.

He smiles at you as you continue to softly cry into his shirt. He hugs you tightly again. He softly rubs little circles on the small of your back.

F- I'm sorry y/n. If I could help your pain I would darling. Sadly, healing spells don't work on that witches dark magic.

That made you giggle. You could hear Fred getting protective. There was ice on his voice. You squeeze his sweater before stepping away from him. You place his hands in yours before placing a small tender kiss to his lips, which he immediately returns. He smiles into the kiss.

F- The pain will subside, just give it a little bit.

You nod before giving him another hug.

F- Wanna go pull some pranks on Ron and Harry with George?

You giggle before nodding your head. He grabs your hand and pulls you along the halls. The rest of the night, you spend pulling pranks on Ron and Harry. You giggle at hearing them scream as the frogs jump all over them. You guys didn't fall asleep until 2 a.m. When you did, it was in Fred's arms in his dorm room. "God I would go through Umbridge's detention a million times just to have nights like this all the time" you thought to yourself.

F- You don't have to go through her torture just to sleep next to me y/n.

You giggle

Y/I- How did you hear that?

F- you don't exactly realise it, but not all of your thoughts are in your head my love.

He chuckles before leaning down and kissing the top of your head. You sigh before wiggling yourself closer to him. You both are gone in a matter of minutes.

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