Star gazing(Adrian Pucey)

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Imagine for quinnsaep

"GO ADRIAN!" You yell from the stands. He gives you a smile and a wink as he scores the winning goal for slytherins. The crowd roars as the Gryffindors sigh in defeat. Their captain, Oliver Wood gave you dirty looks as you cheered for your boyfriend of 3 years. "What's wrong Wood? Mad because you lost?" You tease. He scoffs and rolls his eyes before flying into the locker room. You giggle and make your way onto the field, where Adrian was already waiting with a warm smile on his face. You smile and jump into his arms. "Well hello beautiful" he beams at you. You grin at him before placing a kiss on his lips. His arms wrap around your waist as you giggle into the kiss. He gently pulls away and lays his forehead on yours. "So, where are we going for that date?" He asks, grabbing your hands. You smile and twirl around. "That is a surprise" you mumble into his chest. He groans and rolls his eyes. "Well come on then, it's almost time!" You say, running off the field. "Time for what?!" He yells back. "Just come on Adrian!" You demand. He smiles and shakes his head running after you. You grab the bag of necessities that you had already packed for the date.


"Audrina- why are we in the middle of a field?" Adrian asks looking at you with confusion. "Just help me with this blanket" you say, pulling a huge blanket out of the bag. "Babbbeeee" he whines, wrapping his arms around your waist. You giggle and push off of him. "Do you trust me?" You ask him. He raises his eyebrows before rolling his eyes. "Well yes of course" he says. "Then just help me with the blanket" you say back. He chuckles before grabbing one end of the blanket, spreading it out on the ground. You smile and walk onto the blanket, laying down. "Lay down dummy" you tease. He gasps dramatically before laying down next to you. "What are we doing?" He asks. You smile and grab his hand. "Star gazing" you say quietly. He giggles and looks up at all the stars in the sky. "Only you would pick something so cliche for our date" he says, smiling at you. You giggle and nod, laying your head on his chest. "Aren't they beautiful?" You ask, your eyes scanning the sky. "Yes, yes you are" he says. You look over at him to see him already staring at you. "Now that- was cliche" you giggle. He smiles before leaning over and kissing you.


"Babe it's getting late, are you ready to go back?" You ask him. *no answer* "babe?" You look over to see Adrian sleeping peacefully beside you. You smile to yourself before gently cupping his face in your hands. "Hey, hey baby wake up" you whisper, rubbing your thumb across his cheek. His eyes slowly flutter open, as he smiles up at you. "Hey" he grins. You roll your eyes and sit up. "It's almost midnight" you say grabbing his hand. His eyes widen. "Wow! We've been out here for a while" he says. You nod before standing up. He furrows his eyebrows. "What are you doing?" He asks looking up at you. "Going back to Hogwarts?" You say back. He sighs before grabbing your wrist and pulling you back down into him. "Let's just stay the night here" he says smiling at you. You giggle at him. "Here? Really?" You ask, making sure he wasn't kidding. "Well yeah- it's always been on my bucket list to sleep under the stars" he says looking up at the sky. You internally awe to yourself. "Plus, I have my number one star right by my side" he says. "No...that was cliche" you tease. He rolls his eyes before basically tackling you onto the ground. "Goodnight Audrina, I love you" he whispers, placing a small kiss on your forehead. "Goodnight Adrian, I love you too" you mumble into his chest. You both spend the night under the stars. The next morning, Adrian literally checks sleeping under the stars off of his bucket list that he had literally made.

Okay! Hope you like it🤩

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