Herbology ~ Neville Longbottom

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He was the boy who everyone looked for, for homework answers.
He was the smartest in the Gryffindors.
He was the kindest heart.
He was the boy whom you fell in love with, and you fell hard.

You sigh and slam your books shut, burying your head in your hands.

"Love come on....you need to get this done if you want to pass Proffesor Sprout's class!" Neville beams, taking your book and opening it again.

You groan and lean into him as he giggles and wraps his arm around your waist.

"We've been doing this for hours!" You exclaim.
Neville looks at his watch and sighs.

"We've been doing this for 10 minutes" he assures you.

"Well it feels like hours!" You plead.

He giggles and sets the book in front of you.
"How about....you do your Herbology homework....and then after, we can practice that new spell that you have been looking forward to" he suggests, causing your eyes to widen as you sit up.
"Fine" you hiss.

He smiles before scooting closer to you, placing his book beside yours.


After about an hour, you finally finished your homework.
You sigh and close the book before stuffing it into your bag.
"Finally" you say breathlessly.

Neville chuckles before pulling out his wand.
"Wanna work on that spell?" He asks raising an eyebrow.
You shake your head and stand up, walking over to his bed.

"Come cuddle with me?" You ask him. He smiles and nods before standing up and walking towards you, climbing in the bed with you.

"You're really perfect y/n....do you know that?" He asks.
You look up at him and smile before kissing his cheek.
"You're not so bad yourself" you beam.

You fell in love, with a softy

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