Nothing else matters~Harry Potter

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Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

Y/n has been best friends with the infamous golden trio since her first year.
They knew all her secrets, and she knew all of theirs.

One secret that y/n didn't know though, was one that was kept from everybody by no other than Harry Potter. 
Harry and y/n had always been a little closer than she was with the rest of the trio, but she didn't let that stop her from still treating Hermione and Ron like family.

It was now 7th year, and you and the trio couldn't be any closer.

You were all sitting in the common room. You and Hermione were sitting in front of the fire, while Ron and George were playing wizard chest in the corner.
You had noticed that Harry wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Fred, Lee...where's Harry?" You ask.
Both of the boys look around the room before shrugging their shoulders and continuing to look at the stars and planets from the telescope that Lee had gotten for Christmas.
"Weird...It's not like him to just leave unannounced" you mumble.
"He's probably in the library. He's been spending a lot of time in there lately" Ron explains.

You quickly stand up and grab your bag.
"Thanks Ron" you say.
"Where are you going?" Hermione asks, standing up with you.
"To find Harry, he hasn't been himself and I'm going to find out why" you demand.


You walk into the library. It was past curfew, so it was quite dark. You could barely make out the black haired boy sitting in the corner of one of the book shelves.

You sigh and walk up to him. He was focused on something.
You look at the book in his hands and gasp.

"Harry Potter- why are you reading about T-Tom Riddle?" You ask frantically.
He flinches before looking up at you.

"Y/n....w-what are you doing down here? It's past curfew" he pleads.
"I could ask you the same question Potter" you fire back.

He sighs before scooting over to make room for you. He pats the spot beside him, "sit" he demands.
You sit next to him as he places the book on your lap.
"I've got to tell somebody...and right now- your the one I trust most" he whispers the last part.
"What about Ron and Hermione?" You ask him.

His face flushes with pink as he scratches the back of his neck.
"I don't want them in on this right now. They'll find out soon enough" he explains.
You nod your head and prepare yourself for what he was about to tell you.

"Th-this book isn't just about Tom Riddle" Harry says, looking around the room.
"I-it's about V-Volde-" you quickly cut him off.
"Harry!" You yell.
He whips his head up to look at you.

"Why on earth are you reading about him?!" You yell again.
"Shhhh y/n, you're gonna get us caught"

You slap his hand away from your mouth as he scoots a little closer to you.
"Y/n I've got a big problem, a-and I'm not sure that I can deal with it all by myself" he mumbles.
"What is it Harry?" You ask, placing your hand on his mid-thigh.

You see his eyes gloss over with tears as one falls.
"Harry-" you begin.

"Y/n I have a destiny- and it's not a very good one" he states.
"A destiny? Like- like a calling?" You ask in confusion.
He nods and grabs your hands.

"Dumbledore told me something, and it's something that I've known for a long time- but never wanted to hear it"
"But Harry Dumbledore's-"
"I know, I know. It sounds completely unrealistic, but- I swear y/n. Dumbledore talked to me last night. I physically felt his presence and touch-"
"No-Harry stop it" you say.

He immediately freezes and looks up at you.
"You're not getting to the point. What did Dumbledore say?" You ask.

Harry sighs before looking down.

"He-he told me that I....need to-" he pauses as another tear rolls down his cheek.
You wrap your arms around his waist and lean your head on his chest.
He smiles at you and sighs before continuing on.

"He told me that- the only way for Hogwarts to be safe....that I need to-"

"No, no! No that's idiotic! You can't die Harry-" you didn't realize that you were yelling until a teacher yells for you.

"Who's in here?!" It was Snape.

"Y/n! Please be quiet!" Harry pleads.

He quickly pulls out his invisibility cloak and wraps it around you both. They were tears streaming down your face as you clung to Harry.
"I-I can't lose you too-" you explain.

You gasp as you feel a hand caress your cheek and pull your face up. Your eyes land on Harry's as he cups your face.
"I'm not going anywhere"

He slowly leans down to kiss you. You of course, kiss back.
This has been your dream since 4th year. Not that anyone else ever knew that.

Pt 2 later

Hogwarts imagines And PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora