Mamas boy(Neville longbottom)

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(You are one of the "bullies" in this story)

"What are you gonna do Longbottom, run to mommy?" Draco snips. Pansy, and Goyle giggle. Neville stands helpless in the middle of the hallway. He begins to say something but stutters his words. "I-I" "I-I uhhhhh, say your words you freak". You watch as Neville takes a step back with tears prickling at his eyes. "Awwww is little Neville poo gonna cry" you furrow your eyebrows at him. He looks at you as a tear falls from his eyes. You sigh before looking away. "You know Neville, people like you, are the reason Hogwarts goes down the drain" you whip your head around. "Draco!" You hissed. He turns around. You look at him with ice in your eyes. "What? Are you really trying to stick up for this dork?" You look down. "Whatever. People like him should just kill themselves anyway" you looked at him with anger in your eyes. At this point Neville was sobbing. Even though you were in the group that bullied him, you never saw a reason to. You liked Neville, like alot. You hated seeing him getting picked on, but you didn't wanna stand up to Draco, cuz then they would just pick on you too. But Draco drew the line. He's never said anything like that before. Soon everyone in the great hall was watching. Some people were whispering things about you guys. "Poor Neville" "what did he ever do to them" "Draco and his posse are dicks". You balled your hands into a fist before walking up to Draco. He looked down at you. "What do you think you're-" Next thing you know, your fist hit the side of his face. Everyone gasped. Draco fell backwards into Goyle. He clenched his face before looking at you with anger. He quickly got up and stomped towards you. "My father will hear about this y/n!" He pushed you back. You lost your footing and fell, but before you could hit the ground, a pair of arms caught you. You look up to see Neville. You hesitate before smiling at him. He returns it. He helps you up. "You two losers are perfect for eachother. The reject and the traitor" Your hands ball into fists again as you flinch at Draco. He takes a step back as you giggle. He huffs before dramatically turning and stomping out of the room. Pansy and Goyle following behind him, giving you and Neville both nasty glares. As soon as the leave the room your nerves settle. You put your head in your hands and sigh. You were taken back when a pair of arms wrap around you tightly. You uncover your face and look up to see Neville. "Thank you" he mumbles. You smile and lean back into him. "It was no problem. I've been meaning to find a reason to stand up to him" you giggle. He smiles, his face turns a light pink. You can feel yours heating up too. You look down. By now everyone was looking at you two. You could feel their eyes burning into your back. You gulp and look up to see Neville already looking at you. He begins to say something, but you cut him off. "I like you" your eyes widen as you quickly cover your mouth. Neville's mouth gapes open. Theres a few seconds of silence. "Well, say something. It's awkward" you giggle. He still doesn't say anything and you begin to lose hope. You put your head down and try to step away. You feel a hand grip your waist and pull you back. You look up to see Neville smiling at you. "I-I like you too" you gasp and look up. You smile at him before pulling him down by his shirt and smashing your lips against his. His eyes widen before melting into the kiss. Everyone around you cheers. "GO NEVILLE" They all shout. You both smile. "Go out with me?" He asks. You simply nod before walking away back to slytherin common room. "Wow, mamas boy really knows how to kiss" you say to yourself.

Hogwarts imagines And Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें