Forever and Always(George Weasley)

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REQUESTED by Audrina084


You stand in the bathroom mirror, tears streaming down your face as you slide the blade across your skin. "I deserve this!" You harshly say to yourself. "You don't deserve him" you say again. You cut deeper and deeper until you feel yourself starting to get light headed. "Do it" the voice in your head says. "No one will notice" "no one cares" it repeats. Your sobbing now. "You could've saved him" "it should have been you! Not Fred" the voice in your hear yells at you. You close your hand around the blade and close your eyes. "I'm sorry George" you whisper. You harshly slide the blade across your throat. The blade falls from your hands as you drop to the ground.


George's POV

"I wonder where Audrina is" he thinks to himself. 

He walk down the hallway towards the dorms. "I'm gonna go surprise Audrina!" He says outloud. Cedric chuckles at him at the end of the hall. "Shut it Diggory" he snaps.


"Audrina?" George asks, slowly opening the door. He furrows his eyebrows when he sees that your not in your desk like usual. "Darling?" He asks again looking around. His eyes land on the closed bathroom door. He slowly walks over to it, placing his ear against the door. "I'm sorry George" he hears you whisper, before there was a small thud. "AUDRINA?!" He yells, fiercely tugging at the door nob. "Baby it's me open the door!" He shouts. Soon, Hermione, Harry, and Ron were all running through the door. "What's wrong?!" Harry yells. George frantically looks around, finding anything he can to open the door. "Audrina- won't- door" he chokes out, ramming himself into it. On the third try, the door finally busts open. He freezes as he stands over you. "NO!" He screams, falling to his knees while pulling you into him. Harry gasps and runs to get help. "NO NO NO, Please baby wake up!" George pleads. "no, I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO!" He yells again. His sobs filled the room as Hermione and Ron stood shocked. Hermione bursts into tears as Ron pulls her into a hug. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE HELP ME!" George yells at them. Hermione continues to cry as she walks over to him. "G-George" she says placing a hand on his shoulder. George pushes it away.

"I got madam Pomfrey" Harry says frantically running over to you. "Move!" She yells harshly, pushing George out of the way. She drops beside you, pulling out her wand. She quickly heals your wounds and starts compressions. "Come on Audrina, don't you dare leave us" she says through gritted teeth. She continues compressions, George was sitting in the corner, bitting at his sleeve, hoping-praying that you will be okay.

Madam Pomfrey continues for about 3 more minutes before finally pulling away from you. George leans forward and frantically looks at her. "W-what are you doing?" He says quietly. She sighs and stands up, shaking her head slowly. "I-I'm so sorry Mr. Weasley" she grabs her bag and walks out of the bathroom. "I'll go get Dumbledore" she says again, walking out of the room.

George looks at you with tears in his eyes. "No- my baby" he says through tears. He leans down, hugging you tightly. "I'm so sorry- so so sorry" he whispers while moving some hair out of your face. Harry kneels beside him, pulling him into a hug. "Come on George-" he says quietly.

2 days later

It was breakfast. Everyone sat in the commons room, chatting and giggling about what they would be doing for the day, or what they were going to do after class. Everyone was so happy, everyone besides George. He was sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table by himself. "Do you think he'll be okay?" Hermione asks Harry and Ron. Harry shrugs slowly. "I don't know, they were inseparable" Ron whispers. The doors to the great hall open, revealing Dumbledore, Snape, Madam Pomfrey, Professor Mcgonagall, and all the other teachers. Everyone looks up from their tables and goes silent. Dumbledore pushes his glasses up before sighing deeply.

"It is with great sorrow, that I inform you that your fellow student Audrina y/l/n- has passed away" he says across the room. Everyone gasps and immediately looks at George. He doesn't look up. His eyes stay glued to the table, not daring to let the tears in his eyes fall. "She was a great student, and an even better friend to all. She will be greatly missed by everyone!" He yells. "That is all" He walks out of the room, all the professors following him. Ron looks over at George. He gets up and walks over to him, sitting beside him. "G-George- are y-you okay?" He whispers. George's hands clench into fists as he grips onto his robe. "I'm fine Ron, go away" he hisses. Ron furrows his eyebrows. "G-George I-" George cuts him off. "I said go away Ron!" He yells, everyone turns their heads and goes silent. Ron gulps before standing up harshly. "You know your not the only one who lost her" Ron yells back. George quickly stands up, running into Ron's shoulder as he stomps by him towards the doors. As soon as the doors close, he lets all the tears that he was once holding back fall to the ground. He runs to his dorm and quickly slams the door shut, falling to his knees. He clings your sweater to his chest and sobs into it. "Why'd you have to leave me?" He mumbles into the sweater. "We were so good made me a different- a better person! So why did you do it, why'd you leave me?" He says quietly. "WHY?!" He yells, throwing the sweater across the room. He looks around the room, his eyes landing on his wand sitting on his bed. "I can't do this without you" he says softly, standing up and walking over to it. "I've lost my brother, I lost my whole world. I have no reason to go on" he says, holding the wand to his throat. He gulps before closing his eyes softly. "Avada Kedavra" he drops to the floor in almost an instant.


"Fred? Audrina?" George says smiling. You and Fred smile at him and nod. "Hi Georgie" you say softly. A tear drops down his face as he runs up to you both, engulfing you into a hug. "I missed you guys so much" he whispers into your shirt. "Why are you here?" Fred asks worriedly. George drops his head. "I-I can't live without you guys, your my whole life" he mumbles. You smile and tilt his head up. "Well, we're together now my love" you beam. A grin forms on George's face before he leans down and kisses you softly. "You are my love, forever and always" he mumbles into the kiss.

I hope you like it! If you want me to make changes to anything just let me know! Bye babes🤩

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