Hold me(George Weasley)

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You run out of the great hallway. Tears streaming down your face. "Why? Why me?"
Your best friend Hermione just embarrassed you in front of everyone by telling them that you have a crush on George. Everyone laughed at you. Except for George and Fred. George didn't do anything. Fred smiled at you. This isn't the first time that she's done this. You told her that she wasn't part of your life anymore.
You arrive at your dorm. You burst through the door with tears non-stop falling from your eyes. Without even thinking you rip open your dresser drawer, pull out the old spells book and take out the blade. You haven't cut for 2 years. But tonight, you didn't see any other way to ease the pain. Without any thoughts processing through your mind, you make the first cut. (For all the embarrassment) you make the second cut (for all the betrayal) the third cut (for losing you). You hear a knock at the door. Its George.

G- Y/n? Are you in there.

You start crying again.

G- Y/n it's me George. You know- yeah.

Y/I- Go away George.

G- oh come on Y/n, it was just a little fun.

You started bawling. George heard.

G- Y/n open the door.



You continue to cry, blade in hand. George starts ramming himself into the door. On the 3rd try it breaks open. The hinges and nails fall to the floor. You drop the blade and fall to your knees. Before you hit the ground, George catches you and pulls you into a tight embrace. He pulls away and looks at your wrists.

G- oh.

He sits you down on your bed and walks into the bathroom. He grabs s rag and bandages from your cabinet.

G- Come here.

You get up from your bed and walk into the bathroom. George gently grabs goir arm and pulls your wrists under the running water. You hiss in pain. He looks at you with soft eyes. He dries your arms off before wrapping them in gauze and bandages. You walk back over to the bed and sit down. He follow you and stands above you. You put your head down, but he pulls it back up with his finger.

G- Look darling, I don't know what was going through your head to make you think that this was your one and only solution, but you need to know it's not. I don't want you doing this to yourself anymore.

A tear ran down your face. He wiped it away with his finger. He smiled at you. You smile back. He leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips.

G- So. Your in love with me then?

You blush. And giggle. He smiles at you and grabs your hand.

G- you're adorable. It's okay. I love you too.

You look at him and hes already got his lips on yours. You close your eyes and melt into the kiss. This has been a shitty day you though. But this right here, makes up for everything.

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