First day ~ Hermione Granger

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Requested by: BaldLupin

You walked down the isle of the train, your brother Harry Potter following behind you.
"Go faster Harry will you? I need to see Hermione!" You beam, shoving him forward a bit.
He giggles before quickening his pace.

When you finally reach the train car that had the boy with fiery red hair, and the girl with soft brown hair that was always practically melted.
"Mione!" You beam, running up to her.
She whips her head around as her eyes light up. She jumps up and warps you in a bone crushing hug.

"Lexi! Oh I missed you so much!" She yells, her head snuggling into your neck.
"I missed you too!" You assure her.

Lexi was a 6th year Slytherin. She had brown hair like Hermione's, with the front strands dyed with a dark pink. She had icy blue eyes that could cut straight through anyone.
And then, there was her bestfriend Hermione Granger.
A 6th year Gryffindor with brown, frizzy hair, soft brown eyes, and a heart of gold.

It was the doo that no one knew they needed, that is- until the two started hanging out in their 3rd year.

Now, since one was a Slytherin and one was a made things quite difficult, considering all that has been going on with you-know-who.

All of the Gryffindors feared that Lexi would one day join the dark side, but she assured them that she wouldn't.

But no one was more scared than Hermione. She feared that her bestfriend would one day leave her for evil, and it tore her up inside.
Even to the point where she was crumbled in a small ball in the girl's laverty, bawling her eyes out at the thought of losing Lexi.

That's when Lexi walked in.


"Mione....what's wrong?" You ask.
She looks up at you with tear stained cheeks, red and puffy eyed.
"Are you going to join the dark side?" She asked.
Your heart broke into a million pieces as tears gathered in your eyes.

"What? No! Hermione why would you even ask that?!" You say, kind of offended.
She sniffles before sitting up.

"It's just- I know that with everything going might feel a bit pressured into doing some things and-"
You quickly cut her off with a hug. She sighs in relief as she melts into your arms.

"I'm not going anywhere Hermione" you assure her.

End of flashback

That was at the end of 5th year. It was now the beginning if 6th year, and you guys hadn't seen each other all summer.
Of course, you had written to each other....but it just wasn't the same.
You had spent the summer at the burrow with the Weasleys and Harry. Hermione had tried to come over many times... but it was just too dangerous.

So when you saw each other on the train, it was like heaven.

You both sat, wrapped in each other's arms for about 10 minutes before she finally pulls away.

"What have you been doing all summer?" She asks.
"Oh y'know....just slumming it with old Ronald and Harry over there" you tease, pointing your thumb towards the two boys who were now pigging out on the trolly.

You both giggle before rolling your eyes.

"This is going to be a loonnnggg year"

Heyyy hope you like it! I'm sorry it took me so long to do....I got caught up in other things lol.

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