Not an update

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Hey guys, so I'm not getting any better lmao. I still can't breathe and I have a terrible headache, so idk when I'll update.
I have a request to do, plus anymore that come please be patient with me lol.

So I'm kind of thinking to make a book 2, of this book once I hit 200 updates.
The app gets really glitchy whenever I go to update on this book, because there is so many imagines on here lol. So if I make another book, maybe it will stop being so glitchy. I just need to make sure that you guys will read that one as well so I'm not doing it for nothing.
On another note....I'm working on more chapters in the book about Draco Malfoy, so you guys should go check that book out. It would be greatly appreciated.
Update on the book about the twins: I unpublished it so I can work on it and make it better. I didn't really like the way I wrote the chapters, so I'm going to write a couple of chapters....without publishing them, and then when I get them the way I want....I'll publish the book, and them.

Okay, I think that's all for now. I'll try to update later....just depends on how I feel.
Bye babes🤩

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