Nightmares(Harry potter)

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I will be using the words you and not I in these stories. The only time I will use I is if it is an request

You wake up from your phone going off hysterically at 2 AM. You roll over and groan fixing to yell at the person who dares to interrupt your beauty rest. You pick up the phone and look at the caller ID. It's your boyfriend Harry. You look at the phone in confusion before answering.

Y/I- Hello? Harry?

H- y-y/n. I- uh

His voice sounds shaky. It cracks with every word he chokes out.

Y/I- Harry, babe calm down. What's wrong?

H- I uh- had a nightmare again. This one was pretty bad.

You listen to your significant other on the other side of the phone choke up more words. With every word he says, hid voice becomes more shaky. You hear him burst out into tears.

H- please come over.

Y/I- okay babe, I'm on my way.

You hang up the phone and quickly jump out of bed. You throw on one of his hoodies and run down the dark hallway, not even bothering to turn a light on. You arrive at the boys dormitory and open the door. You walk to harry's dorm room and softly knock.

H- c-come in

Your heart shatters as you open the door and see your boyfriend curled
up in a ball against the headboard. He looks at you and breaks down. You immediately rush over to him. You climb over him and sit beside him. He shifts himself into your arms. He cries into your chest. You rub his back trying to calm him down.

Y/I- shhhh Harry it's okay. I'm here now. Everything is gonna be okay
You cooed into his ear. After about 10 minutes he finally calmed down. You ran your fingers through his hair as he hugged your waist tightly. You soon felt his breathing even out. Soft snores came from his soft plump lips. You smiled at the site. You feel yourself becoming a victim of sleep. You lay your head on Harry's and you drift off to sleep. Before falling asleep you heard him whisper

H- thank you my love.

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