Trust Issues ~ Draco Malfoy

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Requested by: Carlarosebutterfly

Y/n, Ron Weasley's twin sister was in her 5th year at Hogwarts.
She was considered to be one of the most beautiful girls at the school, which made her brothers very protective over her.
That's why whenever they found out about her little secret relationship with Draco Malfoy....they flipped absolute shit.

3rd person pov

"Please don't do this!" Y/n pleaded as her brothers held her down.
"I'm sorry y/n....but it's for your own good" Percy said, pulling out his wand.
Ron was sobbing in the corner of the room. He didn't want any of this to happen to you...but he also knew, that it was for your own good.

"No you don't understand......I love-" she started....but was cut off by a sharp pain in her head.
Then, everything went black.

Back to regular pov

Your eyes fluttered open, your head pounding.
You groan before sitting up off of the ground, looking around the common room that you were in.
"What happened?" You asked, looking at your brothers, who were sitting on the couch.

"Oh- we uh....we were wrestling and you hit your head and blacked out" Fred explains.
You nod before George grabs your hand and helps you up.

"So....who was I wrestling?" You ask, cocking an eyebrow.
"Ron" Percy says, pointing to the red headed boy sitting in the corner. His eyes were still red and puffy and his breathing was hard, but shallow.

You furrow your eyebrows before walking over to him.
"Ronnie...what's wrong?" You ask, sitting beside him.

He doesn't say anything. All he does is looks at you with sympathy.
"Ron-" you begin, but you were cut off by the common room door swinging open.

"Where is she?!" You heard an unfamiliar voice beam.
You whip your head up to see a blonde haired boy, along with two other boys. They were from Slytherin.

His eyes landed on yours and softened. He ran up to you, engulfing you into a bone crushing hug.

"Errmm.... wh-who are you?" You ask, pulling away cautiously.
The boy furrows his eyebrows before backing away from you.
"Y/n...what do you mean I'm-" he looks deeply into your eyes. He can tell something's wrong.
His gaze changes to your brothers as he stomps towards them.
"What did you do?.....what did you do to her?!" He yells, shoving Percy back as Ron pulls you into him.

Your eyes filled with tears as you leaned your head on his chest.

Fred and George stood in front of Percy as Draco looked up at them.

"What. Did. You. Do?" He asks harshly.
The twins smirk before looking at eachother.
"We have no idea what you're talking about Malfoy" Fred says.

Draco scoffs before walking over to you once more.
"Y/ tell me you're joking" he pleads.

You sit up from Ron's arms and give him a confused look.
"Who are you and how do you know my name...and why are you calling me baby?" You ask.

Draco's jaw clenches as he turns around to face Percy and the twins once again.
"You're going to regret this" he assures them.
He then turns back to face you and Ron.
"And you!" He hisses, pointing at Ron.

Ron's eyes widen as Draco pokes him in the shoulder hard.

"You let this happen. To your own twin sister. You're supposed to protect her and you let them do this to her!" He yells.
Ron let's a couple tears fall from his eyes as he shakes his head.

"I-It wasn't my fault...I-I tried!" He pleads.
Draco scoffs before Percy grabs his collar and pushes him towards the door as the twins do the same towards Goyle and Crabe.

You hug Ron as he cries into your arms.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" he chokes out.

"It's okay" you assure him, stroking his hair softly.

But the problem didn't even know what he was sorry for.

Pt 2 later

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