Making you happy (Draco Malfoy)

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TW EATING DISORDER: If you have suffered from or are currently suffering from the same disorder, and feel that it will trigger you- I do not suggest reading this imagine. Also just remember that you are beautiful in every single way and don't you let anyone bring you down. My dm's are always open for anyone that needs to talk:)

Requested by: quinnsaep

You slipped your robes over your sweater and skirt. The school felt a little colder today, more than it did any other day.
You sigh and look at yourself if the mirror.
"You're disgusting. You look like a pig" the voice in your head snips. Your eyes fill with hot tears as it continues to tell you how completely awful you are.
There was a knock at the door. "Just a minute!" You yell, wiping the tears away from your eyes quickly.
"Come on y/n we're gonna be late for class" your bestfriend, the one and only Draco Malfoy calls from behind the door. You smile to yourself and walk to the door, opening it to reveal his sweet smile. "Good morning sunshine" he teases. You roll your eyes and smack him softly. "Shut it Malfoy" you say. He giggles and puts his arm out for you to take. You gladly accept it, linking your arm in his

 You gladly accept it, linking your arm in his

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(This is what I mean by linking your arms)

You both skip down the hallway to class.
When you arrive, he playfully pushes you to the side, causing you to stumble into a desk. You wince in pain as he laughs behind you. Even though you are secretly in a lot of pain, you giggle along with him to not make him feel bad.
"Clumsy ass" he teases. You giggle and nod, walking to your seat.
3 hours later

Classes were over, you were on your way to your dorm so you can change out of your robe for dinner. (Just pretend you don't wear robes)

You sigh and slip the robes off, lifting up your shirt and looking at the newly formed bruise that pigmented your skin from the desk. "I didn't even hit the desk that hard" you mumble to yourself.
"Y/n are you ready for-" Draco walks through your door. You gasp and quickly pull your shirt down, but it was too late. He stops dead in his track, his mouth gaped open.
"D-Did I do that?" He asks quietly. You sigh and look down, biting your lip softly. You hear footsteps coming closer to you. You look up to see Draco standing over you. "I am so sorry y/n I- I never meant to hurt you I-" you cut him off by hugging him. "Dray, it's okay. It was an accident" you assure him. He nods slightly before hugging you back.
"Are you ready to go to dinner? I'm hungry" Draco says. You giggle and nod as he pulls you towards the great hall.

(Pretend you're in Slytherin if you aren't)

You sit down at the Slytherin table beside Pansy. Draco and Goyle sat across from you guys.
"So, how was everyone's day?" Pansy asks. You all nod, "It was good. Besides the 2 tests we have to study for" Goyle explains. Draco groans and nods his head. "Omg yes, that test is going to be the death of me" Draco says, harshly taking a bite of his bread stick. You giggle quietly to yourself as you look up and see Draco smiling at you. You furrow your eyebrows at him before Pansy nudges your side. "So y/n, how was your day? Are you worried about the tests?" She asks. You scoff and shake your head. "My day consisted of making Draco do his homework for the next class so he doesn't FAIL!" You say, whipping your head around to look at him. His face turns a light pink as he looks away. Pansy giggles and takes a bite of her food.
You sigh and move the meatloaf around with your fork. Goyla had apparently noticed. "Hey y/n, you haven't touched your food" he says. You bite the inside of your cheek and look up at him. Out of the corner of your eye you see Draco looking at you intensely. "Uh y-yeah I-Uh guess I'm just not hungry" you explain. Pansy giggles and slaps your leg playfully. "What? You're always hungry!" She teases. You feel your stomach drop as tears form in your eyes. You giggle sheepishly, trying to hide them. "Yeah, it's just with all the studying I should be doing I-I just haven't been hungry" you mumble. Draco nudged your foot under the table. You look up to see him staring at you with a worried look on his face. You bite your lip and shake your head, pushing away from the table. "I-I'm gonna go study, I'll talk to you later guys" you say, standing up and looking down at all of them. "Oh okay" Goyle says, looking back over at Pansy. She nods as you walk away.
You felt eyes burning into your back, you already knew who it was, but you didn't care.

You open your door, tears streaming down your face as you rip your sweater off and run over to the mirror. Your finger tips trace over the skin on your stomach.
Your ribs were utterly visible through your skin. Your wrists were small enough for someone to wrap their thumb and pinky around.
"I'm so fat" you whisper to yourself, grabbing at your thighs.
Your door flew open. You gasped and quickly grabbed your sweater, covering yourself with it. Your eyes widened at the person standing at your door. "Draco-" you whisper.
Draco stood in the doorway, gripping onto the frame. He had a plate of food with him. His jaw clenched as he slowly walked through the door. Anxiety and fear washed over you as you took a few steps back.
He stopped and set the plate down on your dresser. There was an awkward moment of complete silence. You could cut the tension with a knife.

You opened your mouth to say something, but were cut off by the quiet sobs of Draco. Your eyes widened as you looked up to see tears dripping from his eyes as they scanned your body.
"N-no" he croaked out. Tears found their ways back to your eyes as you slowly walked over to Draco. Without any warning his arms swung around you, pulling you into him. You melted into his arms.
"Why?" He mumbled into your neck. You sigh and pull away, slipping your sweater back on and grabbing his hands softly.
"I-I don't like the way I look" you mumble. Draco's eyes widen as he looks you up and down. "Y/n, you're perfect, what do you mean?" He assures you. You smile to yourself, but it soon drops as the voice in your head makes an appearance. "He's lying. He's only saying that to make you shut up!" It beams.
"No I'm not, I'm disgusting. I'm ugly, I'm fat, I-I don't deserve to go here" Draco's eyes soften as he opens his mouth to say something, but you cut him off.
"Everyone that goes here is so beautiful and skinny and smart and-and PERFECT! And then there's me, the ugly, fat, dumb-" you were quickly cut off by a hand slamming onto your wall. You flinched, looking up at Draco. "What-" you mumble but he cuts you off again.
"Y/n listen to yourself! You are sitting here trash talking yourself when all of it is complete BULLSHIT!" He yells. His eyes were filling with tears again as you roll your eyes and turn to walk away, but he quickly grabs your wrist and pulls you back around. "No! No you're going to stand here and listen to me and you're going to listen good" he demands. You sigh and nod as he grabs your hands.
"You are not ugly. In fact, you are the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. Your are most definitely not fat! Your body is beautiful and I hate the way you're treating it because it and YOU, deserve so much better. And- you.are.not.dumb. you are the smartest person I have ever met, you make me jealous with how incredibly smart you are. I-I love you y'n" he whispered the last part. Your eyes landed on his.
"Dray-" you were cut off by his lips on yours. You didn't pull away. In fact, you kissed back. He smiled into the kiss as his arms wrapped around your waist.
He softly pulled away and squeezed you into his chest.
"So please. Please please please stop doing this to yourself. Because you are absolutely perfect, the way you are" he explains.
You look up at him and smile. He looks down at you and furrows his eyebrows.
"I love you too Draco Malfoy"

Hey guys. So this is going to sound very cheesy, but I feel like I need to say it.
Eating disorders are not something to joke around with (as I'm sure you all know) many people struggle with them daily.
If you are one of those people, and are either struggling or recovering from one, and want to talk to someone but don't want to talk about it with your family or friends, please feel free to dm me and talk to me. It's just someone to talk to that will listen, and someone who won't judge you at all. I will listen to you, and give you as much advice as I can.

Okay okay, enough of the sad note. More imagines will be up later,
I love all of you...bye babes🤩

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