how they react to you scaring them

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You quietly open the door to your boyfriend Harry's dorm room. Luckily, his head is burried into his books and has paid no attention to you what so ever. You take the opportunity to tip toe over to him. You look down to see that he is reading about Voldemort. You roll your eyes and pull out your wand. You gently poke him in the cheek and hop over to his other side. He whips his head around only to see nothing there. You then scream and jump onto him. "MERLIN SAKE Y/N! DON'T DO THAT!" You giggle at him before kissing him passionately, which he immediately returns.

Ron has never been into scaring people. He thought it was dumb. "Who would want to make someone think that they were in danger?" He had once told you. But, you didn't really care, nor listen.
Ron was sitting at the dinner table with the Gryffindor house. You had just gotten there and he hasn't noticed you yet. You took this opportunity to scare the living hell out of him. You pick up some whipped cream off of someone's plate and sneak over to your table. George and Fred immediately notice you and smirk. You put your finger up to your mouth, signaling for them to shut it. They giggle before looking back at Ron. You come up behind Ron and smear the whipped cream across his forehead before yelling "SIMBA" everyone at the table laughs. Ron falls backwards from fright. "Bloody hell y/n, don't do that, you know I don't like being scared" you giggle before sitting down and wiping off some whipped cream that was on his nose. You licked the whipped cream off your finger. "Atleast it was a delicious scare"

Draco has been being a dick lately. He's been scaring you out of nowhere and jumping down from trees just to yell "BOO" in your face. You were tired of it. So, you decided to get him back.
You wiggled under Draco's bed and waited for him to get back from dinner. Once you heard the door open, it took everything in you to keep from giggling. Draco immediately sat on his bed to take his shoes off. That's when you made your move. You quickly grabbed his ankles and yanked him down to the ground. He screamed like a girl. You immediately let go and rolled around laughing extremely hard. Draco rolled his eyes and got back up. "Fuck off y/n" you giggled before holding your hand out. He sighed before grabbing it and pulling you up. "Love you"

"Babe? Babe where are you?" Neville frantically looked around for you. He knew you were in his room, but when he got there, you were nowhere to be found. He began to get worried. He ran into the bathroom to splash his face with water, when you jumped out from behind the shower curtains. He yelled and fell back. "Jesus Christ y/n" you giggled before getting out and kissing him.

Fred and George-
As you all know, Fred and George were the kings of pranks. Well, today you thought you would get them back. You and Harry came up with a potion that would turn you into an animal. Then you would go up to Fred and George and just as they were about to pet you or pick you up, you would scream boo.
You drank the potion in one gulp. Immediately you felt weird and began to shrink. Next thing you knew, you were a cat! "Can you talk?" Harry asked. "I don't know can I?" You giggled as Harry stepped back. You took off down the hallway towards the great hall. You got there and went through the little animal door that they installed for student's pets. There sitting on the couch like you hoped, were your two favorite twins. You giggled to yourself before walking over to them. They both looked down at you and smiled before picking you up. "What do we have here? Who do you belong to little guy?" You hissed. "I mean little girl?" You purred. They both giggled before stroking your back. You purred and nuzzled up next to them. "Awww she likes us" Fred said. This was the perfect moment. "As if" you said. Both boys looked at each other before yelling and throwing you off of them. You land on the ground with a thud. "Ow you gits! It's me y/n" they both look at you with confusion. "Y/n?" You wiggle your tail before laughing. They both roll their eyes. "Well played l/n, well played"

Tom hates being scared. Like absolutely hates it. So, that just gave you every other reason to scare him. You quickly climb up onto the ceiling of his dorm room. He walked through his door and immediately noticed you. "I would suggest getting down from there, you know that I don't like being scared, and I'm not really in the mood today" you sigh knowing you pissed him off. You begin to get down before you slip and fall. You scream before hitting the ground with a hard thud. Evehrbing around you goes black. The last thing you heard was Tom. "Y/n? Y/n!"
You wake up in the hospital wing. You grip your head and groan. You immediately feel a hand on your shoulder. "Y/n? Oh thank god your awake" Tom pulls you into a hug before kissing your forehead. "Oh my god babe you scared me" "well looky there, I scared you after all"

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