➳ 7: the departed

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INGRID shot forward, having fully awaken from her desiccated state. She growled lowly in an animalistic manner and sped toward the front door only for Elijah to block her path. "Move." She snarled harshly through gritted teeth, her small hands clentched in fists. When he refused to move out of her way, she narrowed her dark eyes and bellowed furiously at him. "MOVE!"

Elijah glanced at her with a stern face, refusing to back down. "You need to remain calm."

"Remain calm?" She repeated in shock then gaped at him in disbelief. "Elijah, they have Niklaus. Alaric is out there and the imbeciles of Mystic Falls have neutralized Niklaus. He is in danger! I cannot remain calm when my husband's life is at stake. The very fact that you remain unbothered at this moment is unsettling." She began to argue desperately then grew wrathful as her eyes glowed amber-gold. "If you do not move out of my way, I will make you. If you do not help me save Niklaus, I will do it myself. Your choice."

"We will save Niklaus. But we do it my way." He informed her sternly causing her to glare daggers at him.

"You have one chance. If it fails, I will do this my way." She warned him in a harsh tone. "We both know, I will not hesitate."

The Mikaelsons approached the Gilbert home and Elijah politely rang the doorbell. Elena answered it and glanced at them in surprise. Elijah requested for her permission to enter the premises and Elena reluctantly agreed as long as Ingrid be kept in checked to which both Originals swore on their word.

After being able to cross the threshold, Elijah, Ingrid, Matt, Stefan, and Elena were gathered together in the kitchen discussing a possible deal to barter back Klaus' body and take care of Alaric. However before they got started, Ingrid glared at the Donavan boy and held her hand out. "Give me my dagger."

"No, that's the only insurance we have that you won't kill us." Stefan rejected sternly and shook his head.

"No, your insurance is my husband." Ingrid snapped furiously at him then held her hand out once more in an aggressive manner. "Hand it over. This is not a request."

Elijah glanced at the group with a blank face and urged them to do as commanded.

"Why do you want it back?" Matt questioned her in confusion.

"I refuse to allow myself to be vulnerable to the lot of you ever again." She responded in an angry tone of voice, most of it directed at him. Matt sighed heavily in reluctancy but handed her the golden dagger nonetheless. Her fingers curled around the hand and a sense of relief coursed through her for a moment. She looked up and gave him the most sincere expression she could muster at that very moment. "Thank you."

The group was confused why she would want the very thing that could subdue her for the rest of eternity but Elijah knew how it felt to possess the one thing that could put her in that state. It was freeing to be able to control the daggers and along with it, their fate.

"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the Earth and Alaric will follow us." Elijah informed the group, glancing at each of them.

"And you'll just run?" Stefan questioned in disbelief as he sat down next to Elena.

Elijah shrugged slightly and smiled warmly in their direction. "We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Elena is able to live out the rest of her natural life?"

Eternal ➳ N. Mikaelson [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now