➳ 76: alone with everybody

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KLAUS had driven out of New Orleans and they were on the road to an unknown location. It was quiet in the car, the only sound was that of the tires traveling along the asphalt. Ingrid turned around to see Hope fast asleep in her car seat, cuddling with her stuffed bunny. Smiling, she turned back around and stared at the road through the windshield. Her smile fell as she thought over everything and turned toward Klaus with a frown. "Should I call Marcellus?"

"What for?" Klaus asked in confusion, looking at her for a split second then back to the road.

Shrugging, she tilted her head to the side and glanced at him in worry. "What if he were to need us? I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to him while we're gone."

Klaus smiled and reached over to grab her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "Marcel is a grown up. He can take care of himself." He reminded causing her to roll her dark eyes. "If he truly needed help, Elijah and Kol are capable."

Ingrid shot him an incredulous expression. "I don't think they're the best options. Elijah refuses to see Marcel as anything more than an inconvenience and Kol hates Marcellus. Although I think that one's mutual."

"The issue I see with telling Marcel is that someone could procure that information from him against his will and then the facade would be over. My enemies would know I'm gone." He tried to reason with her, frowning himself. "I understand your affection for Marcel, my love. It's the same for myself. Marcel is family. He is--"

"Your protégé." Ingrid interrupted with a knowing expression.

"No." Shaking his head, Klaus smiled warmly at her and intertwined their fingers. "He's your son." He corrected sternly. "I failed in the father department I'm afraid. Marcel will never see me as more than the man who turned him and continues to mess up his life. But you, darling, you have never once failed him."

"If I lie to him, that would be failing him." She argued with a guilty expression in her face.

Klaus thought this over for a second before speaking up again. "Then don't lie to him." He said simply causing her to glance at him in confusion. "I will agree to let you tell him but you can't tell him where we're going."

"I don't even know where we're going." Ingrid replied with furrowed eyebrows.

"Then you can't lie." He commented with a smile, helping her maintain the trust between Marcel and herself while keeping her honor.

She watched him for a moment, pondering whether he was playing a game with her. He rolled his eyes and nodded in encouragement before she finally pulled her phone out from her pocket and checked the signal. Hitting Marcel's speed dial, she brought the phone to her ear and listened to the dial tone for a moment. After a few rings, Marcel answered her call in a cheery tone. "Hey!"

She grinned happily and leaned back against the back of her seat. "Hey! I was calling to inform you that Niklaus and I are taking Hope on a small getaway. I don't have the slightest clue when we'll be back. Which means, unfortunate for you, that if you need help you'll have to call Elijah or Freya." She explained with a sympathetic laugh after hearing him groan. "But please call me if you need anything. I won't hesitate to help if I can. And please for the love of Odin be safe. Don't let Elijah talk you into anything stupid."

"I'll be okay." He replied kindly, a smile evident in his voice. "Just be careful, alright? The world for the Mikaelsons is a mess right now."

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