➳ 104: the kindness of strangers

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KLAUS was standing on the balcony, overlooking the city as a storm brewed around them. Ingrid was beside him, resting her head on his shoulder and fiddling the the leather of his jacket. Elijah walked into the room behind them and spoke loudly. "Every last exit is sealed. If you're thinking about jumping, don't. I already tried it. I landed in the world's most pretentious wine cellar."

Klaus turned to face him with a blank expression. "You sorted it by vintage." He reminded the older Original, who looked at him in confusion. "You don't remember, do you? I thought Marcel was intent on retrieving your memories."

"He was. He failed." Elijah responded quickly with narrowed eyes. "I still remember absolutely nothing, and Antoinette is dying." He reminded them and took a few steps closer.

"Who cares?" Ingrid mused dully, walking into the room to join them.

"Is she? Right. Yes. I'd forgotten." Klaus mocked with a smirk causing Ingrid to laugh beside him.

"What the hell are we doing here? What is this place?" Elijah interrogated furiously.

"Home." Ingrid answered in a Hollow tone and crossed her arms over her chest. "Have you noticed the blood stained portrait of yourself downstairs yet?"

Elijah stared at her, overwhelmed by all the information being thrown at him at once. "This is dangerous, you and I here together."

"We're not actually here together, are we? Not physically, at least." Klaus remarked knowingly with a sigh.

"It known in the witch community as a Chambre de Chasse. It is a magical mental prison designed to resemble our home. Witches put people in them for temporary keeping or to test out their magic. There is always a way out..." Ingrid trailed off with an annoyed expression. "It's usually a game or a riddle or a puzzle of some sort. Figure it out and you're free to go."

"How do we solve this riddle?" Elijah questioned impatiently.

"Depends on the witch." Ingrid answered vaguely. "Usually you have to find a piece of you that represents you or whatever misrepresents you."

"Which sucks for you because you have no memories." Klaus threw in his face. "We're gonna find our way out and you're on your own." He said to his brother with a smirk and walked past him, leaving the room.

Ingrid, not wanting to be alone with Elijah, rolled her eyes and followed suit. The couple was walking down the steps toward the courtyard and Ingrid mused dully to her husband. "What do you suppose we're supposed to find? Actually, first, who do you think did this? That'll help."

Klaus threw his arm out, stopping her from proceeding, when they heard the front door opening. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

"Oh, Nik. Always so dramatic." A familiar blonde commented in amusement as she walked toward them.

"Rebekah." Klaus breathed out in relief, happy to see his little sister.

She laughed and quickly walked over to engulf him in a hug. She then noticed Ingrid and squealed happily. "Where have you been?!" Rebekah asked while throwing her arms around her sister-in-law.

Ingrid chuckled warmly and returned the embrace. She was about to respond when another Mikaelson joined them.

Kol fell down on the couch without a shirt and he groaned at the sight of his family. "Bloody hell. My least favorite recurring nightmare." He complained then pointed a finger at the female hybrid. "Indy, where the bloody hell have you been and why haven't we heard from you? I was counting on you to be the one I could tell all my mischievous adventures."

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