➳ 98: time's arrow neither stands still nor reverses

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AS promised, Hope returned to the Salvatore Boarding School with Klaus driving her the eight hour journey. He intended to use the time to try and talk her down from her fight with Ingrid whether she was willing to listen or not. Once they were halfway to Mystic Falls, Klaus called Ingrid to tell her it was safe to return to New Orleans.

Ingrid was in the kitchen, taking out a series of ingredients from the fridge when Eirik walked in and sat at the island. He had a large bandage covering his forehead and bruises around his wrists and ankles. His lips were chapped and cut and he groaned lowly while sitting down.

He watched his mother curiously and raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

"I'm cooking. Why? Hungry?" She asked and turned around to face him, holding a block of cheese in her hand. Eirik nodded curtly and she smiled, waving the block in the air. "Good. I was planning on making grilled cheese. Want one?" She inquired, setting it down on the counter and pulling out a pan.

He watched her for a moment and picked at his cuticles. "Mom, where were you?" He asked, his voice pained and angry. "You were gone for seven years without a word. I'm kidnapped and you're suddenly here."

Ingrid licked her lips anxiously and turned the stove on before placing the pan on the burner. "Um..." She trailed off while trying to decide to herself how to explain it without causing a fight like with Hope. "I was in Siberia, Russia." The hybrid answered honestly while grabbing a stick of butter from the fridge.

"They don't have cell service in Siberia?" He asked in confusion. "Or mail?"

Closing the door, she glanced at him with a hesitant expression and took a deep breath. "How much do you know about your dad?"

Eirik gave her a confused look and paused, trying to peace together the relevance. "Uh... he's an immortal Original hybrid from the eleventh century. He loves music, art, fancy food, his family." He listed off and Ingrid nodded slowly, waiting for him to finish. "I found his memoirs... so I know he's killed people. I know he used to dagger each of you guys as punishment."

Ingrid flattened her lips and nodded her head. "Yeah..." She trailed off slowly. "Not our finest moment." She commented with a small sigh then took a step toward him. "Well after we absorbed the Hollow, we all had to separate. Never able to see each other again. I couldn't..." She paused, tears pooling in her dark eyes as she recalled the still fresh memory. "I couldn't leave, no matter how hard I tried. So I asked your dad to help me leave and make it so I couldn't come back. Even though I really wanted to."

"He daggered you." Eirik concluded knowingly and his face immediately softened in understanding.

"Yeah." Ingrid whispered in a watery voice. "I've been asleep for the last seven years. Just like that movie... Sleepy Beautiful." She referenced with a teasing smile.

Eirik launched out of his chair and wrapped his arms around her neck. "I knew you didn't hate us." He breathed out in relief.

Ingrid hugged him back and kissed the top of his head. "I could never." She assured him softly and pulled away. "You, your sister, and your father are everything to me. I love you all so much."

"I love you, mom." Eirik replied emotionally and hugged her tightly again.

"I love you, baby." She expressed affectionately and stroked his cheek with the pad of her thumb. "Now, let's make some grilled cheese." Ingrid said, backing out of their embrace and holding the stick of butter out to him.

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