➳ 99: we repeat what we don't repair

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MONDAY rolled around and Ingrid drove Eirik back to Mystic Falls, taking him back to school. Klaus tagged along on the trip because Alaric wanted to see both hybrids for a parent-teacher conference.

Ingrid was hoping to see their daughter on their trip and have enough time to speak to her before anymore disastrous consequences occurred due to them being so close. Hope wasn't answering any of Ingrid's text so the mother hybrid assumed she needed space and only sent small texts of encouragement and endearment.

Eirik was sitting in the backseat with his brand new Nintendo, playing a video game with headphones in. Ingrid was driving while Klaus sat comfortably in the passenger seat. The ride was silent but not an uncomfortable silence and they all found it pleasant. Klaus looked out of his window at the world passing by then turned to Ingrid with a mischievous smile causing her to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Uh oh. When you look at me like that it means you've been thinking and that's never good." She commented in a teasing tone.

Eirik heard her through his headphone and chuckled to himself while Klaus gaped at his wife in feigned offense.

Ingrid laughed to herself and reached over to take his hand. "I'm just kidding."

"I'm over here, thinking of something nice, and you decide to leap to wild conclusions." He grumbled playfully and scoffed, pulling his hand away. "I'm insulted."

Ingrid laughed harder then narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "Is it really a leap though?" She rhetorically questioned then leaned a hand over, not taking her eyes off the road, and grabbed his cheeks in her hand. "It's okay, darling." She said tauntingly while squeezing his face in her hands. "I love you."

Klaus smacked her hand away before grabbing it in his and kissing her knuckles. "While you're being mean to me, I've conjured an idea." He remarked smugly and listened to her laugh again. "The kids will be at school so we'll be alone..." He hinted seductively. "We can do whatever we want, wherever and whenever."

Eirik looked disgusted as he increased the volume of his game, drowning out the sound of his parents flirting with one another.

"Oooh." Ingrid hummed lowly, intrigued where he was going.

"Yeah." He mused back in a sultry tone and kissed the back of her hand again. "For the first time in fifteen years we are entirely alone. No one to bother us."

Ingrid giggled and spared him a glance from the corner of her eye. "I'm liking the sound of that."

"I knew you would." He responded smugly and intertwined their fingers.

"You guys are gross." Eirik commented from the back seat and groaned, pretending to gag.

The couple laughed at him and shared an amused look before they all returned to the silence of their trip.

When they arrived to the Salvatore Boarding School, Ingrid parked the car as the ghostly whispering started again. Sighing, she turned off the car and the trio climbed out. Eirik threw his back pack over his shoulders and gave Ingrid a hug and Klaus a fist bump before running off to find his friends. Ingrid laughed and waved to his retreating figure then looked to her husband. "Ready to be berated by a man we each once killed?"

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