➳ 60: ashes to ashes

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KLAUS was leaning against his parked truck, where Hope was sitting quietly in her car seat in the trunk and Ingrid sitting quietly next to her and Freya's unconscious body.

The hybrid mother had her knees pulled up to her chest with her elbows resting on top of them. She tilted her head to the side and glanced at her husband in disbelief. "Did you have to kill Gia?" She questioned with a loud puff of air, holding her hands up in the air. "I actually liked her and I don't usually like people."

Klaus rolled his eyes and gave her a side-glare but didn't respond. She scoffed and crossed her arms. "I'm just saying, darling. There were better options."

Several feet away, Dahlia had set up a small table, on which she had created an infinity symbol with salt and lit candles. There were two small pewter chalices sitting within each circle in preparation for her linking spell.

It was eerily still and quiet between them all until, Klaus sighed audibly and she glanced at Klaus for a moment before speaking. "You're quiet. Are you having misgivings?"

"I was just looking for a polite way to ask, "What the hell is taking so long?"." He answered in an irritated grumble with a condescending smirk.

Dahlia gestured to the table with a smile. "Well, we can begin now."

Klaus's smirk wiped off of his face, and he tilted his head curiously at her as he waited for further explanations.

Dahlia smiled at him, visibly pleased about winning. "Once we're linked, I'll no longer have to sleep a hundred years again. Your concerns for my status will ease, and I'll finally be able to focus on Hope." She looked over at Hope, who was still sitting quietly in the car.

Klaus looked over at Hope as well, and Hope turned her head to look at her father. Ingrid smiled down at her and ran a hand through the child's hair.

After a moment, Dahlia walked toward him as she explained further. "I will only need one drop of her blood--"

Klaus sighed and stood to his feet, blocking her from coming any closer to Hope, giving her a patronizing smile.

Dahlia's lip curled up into an annoyed sneer and continued on regardless. "--And then her power shall be mine also."

Klaus looked into the backseat, where Freya still lied unconscious. "What do you want to do about Freya?"

"She served her purpose." Dahlia answered simply, brushing off the well-being of her niece as she looked up at the moon, which was in the waning crescent phase. "So, tonight, at the moon's apex, I'll end her life, and once our link is severed, the bond that I share with your daughter will become permanent."

Klaus wasn't pleased about Dahlia's reaction or her plan in general, but he did his best to keep his intentions concealed by smiling at her. "Best get on with it, then." He pushed past her and walked toward the table, Dahlia following closely behind him. Once there, she held out her hand and Klaus took it in his own, clasping tightly.

Dahlia waved her free hand over the table and started chanting. "Medareno sometswar. Medareno sometswar."

After a moment, the pewter chalices in front of her started to fill with blood, pouring over the rim and onto the table. From there, the blood traveled toward the center of the infinity symbol and Klaus could barely cover up his displeasure at this event while Dahlia swayed and clutched onto his hand tightly, still chanting.

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