➳ 5: heart of darkness-do not go gentle

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MORNING was peaceful that day in Mystic Falls. Klaus wandered down the hallway of the Mikaelson mansion and hesitantly stopped outside the door to Ingrid's bedroom. Despite them being married for over a millennia, Klaus thought that if he truly wanted to win his wife's heart back then he would need to give her space. Thus, he offered her the room beside his instead of pressuring her to sleep in his room.

It did hurt him knowing that Ingrid was so close by after a thousand years and he wasn't able to simply carry on like they had prior. However, he was learning to accept this consequence and understand that he couldn't have everything he wanted at the snap of finger. Ingrid wasn't going to immediately give into Klaus's charms or demands and that was a challenge for him.

He was used to getting what he wanted and now he was met with his match. Even when they were humans, Ingrid wouldn't give into Klaus so easily. She made him earn every moment of their relationship and she had intended to do that once again by ten fold.

Klaus listened into her room but heard no movement and opened the door. He strolled into the room and walked over to the window, drawing back the curtains to allow the sunlight to flood in.

Ingrid was sleeping on her stomach while cuddling the pillow with a smile until the sun hit her in the eyes. Then she groaned lowly and rolled over, pulling the comforter over her head. "Niklaus, if you do not let me sleep, I will..." She trailed while yawning slightly then continued on with her threat. "Chop off your testicles. I would say head but let's be honest. You think more with your testicles than your brain." She insulted in a half-asleep state causing him to chuckle wholeheartedly.

"You need to get up, my love. It's eight in the morning." He replied and walked over to the other side to lift the covers over her head.

She glared up at him and sneered. "Time is a fabricated concept to keep humans on a continous schedule for their labor. It does not apply to us." Ingrid said in a grumble then pulled the covers back from him. "The way I see it, darling, you really only have two choices."

Klaus raised an eyebrow at her figure under the covers and smiled. "What would that be?"

"Leave." She replied simply then opened the covers back up and glanced at him. "Or join me. However if you join me, you have to let me sleep without interruption for at least an hour."

Klaus was shocked that she offered him the chance to simply lie in the same bed as her once again. However, not allowing this opportunity go to waste, he nodded his head and attempted to get in the bed. She placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back while shaking her head. "No. Take your filthy shoes off first."

He did as he was told and kicked off his boots before climbing into the bed next to her. Once he was settled, she wrapped the covers around both of them and yawned. She then pointed at him with her eyes closed and mumbled. "Do not wake me."

He chuckled but otherwise agreed. Klaus watched as she cuddled up to her pillow and quickly fell asleep. Her lips parted slightly as the sound of her breathing became soft and shallow. He fought to urge to wrap his arms around her because he didn't want to do anything she hadn't agreed to. The fact that she even allowed him to climb into her bed and lie down next to her was enough to warm his heart and send him soaring over the moon. He decided to soak up this moment and simply enjoy it without asking for more or complaining.

It was a perfect start and soothing break to what would be a stressful day.

Klaus and Ingrid walked into the Salvatore boarding house then walked down to the basement and walked into the cell where Alaric Saltzman was being held.

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