➳ 70: a ghost along the mississippi

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CAMI woke with a gasp and when she pulled her hand away from her throat, she found it coated in her own blood. She was absolutely horrified at the sighed then looked up to see four pairs of Mikaelson eyes staring down at her. "Klaus...?" She whispered weakly.

Klaus looked sympathetic as he realized the implications of what had happened. "Tell us what happened."

Cami's eyes widened, remembering everything from before. "Aurora." She remarked then grew more horrified when she realized what this meant. "She did this to me." She then suddenly started to sob and her voice fell weaker. "I died. I'm dead."

Ingrid had to physically stop herself from rolling her eyes and groaning loudly at the blonde's tears.

Klaus knelt down beside the transitioning vampire and placed a hand on her shoulder. "But you will not stay dead." He assured her in determination before his expression changed to fury. "She will pay for her actions, I swear to you--"

Cami interrupted him when she doubled over in pain and groaned. "Ohhh, what's happening to me?"

Klaus shot her another sympathetic look. "You're transitioning. You need to feed on blood soon, or you will die... This time, for good."

Cami whimpered in fear and exhaustion and looked up at everyone, who each wore different expressions.

A few minutes had passed since Cami's resurrection and Elijah walked into the study and stripped off his coat as he joined the hybrids company. Klaus was sitting at the bar while Ingrid was seated at Klaus' desk, tapping her fingers against the wood.

"How is she?" Elijah asked in genuine concern.

"How any transitioning vampire is." Ingrid answered dully. "Insufferable."

"She has just risen from the dead. As soon as she feeds, her mood will change for the better." Klaus walked toward Elijah and his tone turned furious as he changed the subject. "In the meantime, these attacks need to be answered! Our retribution must be swift, and it must be brutal!"

"Agreed." Elijah remarked calmly causing Ingrid to raise an eyebrow. "After the Serratura has been recovered." He then sighed in frustration and threw his coat onto the chair. "Freya's pendant is also missing."

"Of course it is." Ingrid commented in exasperation.

Klaus rolled his eyes and threw his hands up. "And Finn's mystical essence along with it. So let the imbecile stay lost! Our business for today is to finish off the de Martels!"

"While I don't disagree..." Ingrid started with a pointed look. "We need to be thorough and precise. We can't make a move without a plan. It'll make matters worse."

Elijah replied softly in an attempt to calm Klaus down. "Now, brother, think. Think. Tristan needs the most powerful witch in the city to activate that weapon. A Regent."

Klaus understood where he was heading and sneered. "Vincent." He then rushed toward the door to leave. "Who was once possessed by Finn!" He yelled while walking out of the room and eventually the compound.

Elijah looked at Ingrid, who looked far from pleased with the situation they were in, and explained his idea for a plan. Ingrid pondered it for a moment, weighing the pros and cons in her head, before agreeing to give it a shot. Relieved that she was willing to cooperate, he turned on his heels to get the plan started.

Eternal ➳ N. Mikaelson [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang