➳ 68: the other girl in new orleans

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ELIJAH was in the upstairs study, where Freya was in the middle of setting up a magical binding circle made of salt and herbs to trap Tristan, who had been chained to a chair. Inside the circle was Elder Futhark runes, including ingwaz and algiz.

Once the circle was complete, Freya looked up at Elijah and sighed. "The spell is complete. Tristan cannot cross the boundary of his own will, but we can enter and leave as we please."

Ingrid strolled into the room with an emotionless expression on her face and glanced at the scene. "Good. We can get started then."

Elijah crouched down to look at Tristan more closely as Freya set her materials down on one of the nearby tables. "I took the liberty of injecting him with hibiscus and mugwort to counteract any vervain in his system. All you have to do is compel him to give you the longitude of Rebekah's location."

"He says he's immune." Elijah pointed out in aggravation.

Freya shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "Well, then I'll find some other way to make him talk." She then walked over to an end table and picked up an old-fashioned looking dagger with a thick, wavy-cut blade.

"Will you?" Elijah questioned, walking over to her and holding out his hand.

She sighed again before reluctantly giving him the dagger. "You're still upset I tortured Aurora without your permission."

Ingrid shook her head while laughing and glanced down at her feet. "Oh that... that is..." she trailed off, flattening her lips to stifle another laugh. "Hmmm."

"Something funny, Ingrid?" Elijah questioned with a patronizing smile.

"Oh, I..." she laughed again and shook her head. "I'm just amused by your hubris."

Elijah rolled his eyes and turned to his sister, trying to contain his frustration. "Freya. I'm obscenely fond of torture. But yes, when I'm entertaining, I like to be the one to choose precisely when and how we violate the guests."

"Except, Niklaus and I were the ones hosting and you took it upon yourself to control the situation." Ingrid snapped at him in anger. "Had you let me do this my way, we would be on a different path. So from this point further, I'm in control. Don't like it? There's the door." She sneered, gesturing toward the exit with her hand, and challenged him to argue. When no one said anything further or moved to leave the room, she clapped her hands together. "No? Okay, good! Glad we're all on the same page."

Ingrid then walked toward Tristan and grabbed a fist full of his hair, forcefully pulling his head back before baring her dual paired fangs and golden eyes. She growled lowly and bit him viciously on the neck, causing Tristan to awaken with a loud pained scream.

Not too long after, Tristan had at least a half dozen hybrid bites over his neck and arms and Elijah, looking amused, studied the sight in astonishment. "My goodness, I could watch this forever..." Elijah walked over to Tristan and placed his hand on his progeny's forehead, yanking his head backward painfully. "...If only my sister wasn't trapped in the bottom of the ocean." He snarled furiously with narrowed eyes.

Ingrid stood behind the de Martel and placed her hands on his shoulders, trailing her fingers along his bites causing him to hiss and jerk away. Leaning down to place her lips next to his hear, she whispered softly in a menacing tone. "Give us the coordinates."

Eternal ➳ N. Mikaelson [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora