➳ 53: they all asked for you

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REBEKAH was still in her witch vessel and was wandering around a street bazaar as she spoke to her family via a three-way phone call. Klaus was standing on the balcony overlooking the courtyard, watching as four werewolves spared with each other, Ingrid was sitting in an arm chair a few feet away with a sleeping Hope in her arms, and Elijah was at his new loft, looking through his closet for a suit to wear for the day. "Enough already with the family squabbling! Come on, Nik! Even you can see that the situation has become awkward!"

"There's nothing awkward about it!" Klaus argued causing Ingrid to scoff loudly in disapproval. "Hayley and Jackson belong in the compound where they are safe. As much as I would like Elijah's help to kill Finn, if his delicate sensibilities are offended by the presence of Hayley's new husband, then he's welcome to continue sulking across the river."

"Niklaus!" Ingrid began to scold him in a stern tone.

Elijh cut her off before she could continue, his voice sounding annoyed. "As I have explained to you repeatedly, brother, my presence here in Algiers is purely to assemble allies. And given all the enemies we have afoot in the form of wayward siblings and ancient, maniacal aunt Dahlias, I would think that you would applaud my efforts."

"Well, if it's my applause you seek, you shouldn't have dashed off in a bloody huff!" Klaus remarked in a mocking tone earning himself a glare from Ingrid.

Elijah growled lowly in frustration as Rebekah tried to get them back on track. "Alright, can you two at least try and stay focused on what's best for Hope's safety?"

"I would like nothing more!" Elijah replied in a passive-aggressive tone of voice.

"I am doing exactly that!" Klaus stated in a defensive manner, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"See? You're on the same team." Rebekah remarked patronizingly then paused for a brief moment. "Conflict resolved, crisis averted." She said quickly before hanging up the phone.

Klaus looked at his phone and rolled his eyes then turned toward Ingrid, who had a disappointed look on her face. "What?" He questioned in confusion then sighed and shook his head. "Not right now, love."

"Oh, so when?" She snarkily questioned with a matching expression before sighing loudly and shaking her head. "I suppose you are right. Besides... you'll do as you please regardless of what I say."

"Coming from the queen of do what she pleases." He said with a scoff then turned to face her with an annoyed look and pursed his lips. "Let's not do this right now."

"I guess I shall just schedule you in for later then, yes? Or how about Saturday? Is that more to your liking?" She remarked with a pointed look and stood up from her seat, holding Hope's sleeping figure close to her body. "You are, once again, pushing your family away with your arrogance, Niklaus."

When he wouldn't look at her, she rolled her eyes and glanced at him with a stern look. "Your brother moved across town because you are rubbing his broken heart in his face by parading Hayley and Jackson all over." She commented with a face of disappointment and woe. "I understand the need to protect our daughter. Believe me, I do... but we do not destroy our family to do so." She lectured softly before turning around and leaving the room. "Fix your mess."

Later on, Klaus and Ingrid arrived to the cemetery, which was dark and foggy. They began walking through the aisles of tombs, searching for something particular. Ingrid turned toward her husband and raised an eyebrow. "How can we be completely sure this isn't a trap?"

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