➳ 59: fire with fire

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THUNDER and lighting crashed outside as Rebekah walked across the room to close the windows, preventing more rain from coming in. However, when she pulled down the window pane, she found that the top was covered in blood, suggesting it was opened specifically for someone to escape. Her eyes widened and she yelled loudly in a panic. "Elijah!"

Elijah walked into the room to investigate and noticed the blood. He paused in place as fear washed over him like a tidal wave.

Rebekah lead Marcel into the room where they were keeping Ingrid's body only to find that the coffin was empty and Ingrid had vanished. Rebekah gasped, her heart pounding in her ears, and ran to the art studio to find that Klaus was gone as well. "No!" She yelled in horror and turned to Marcel. "Where the hell are they?"

Marcel looked at her speechlessly and stared at the empty coffin in a small amount of fear.

In the Bayou, Jackson was inside the main building, where he was checking the string on his bow. After a moment, Hayley walked in to check on him while giving him suggestions on where they should run away. "What about Alaska?"

Jackson thought about it for a moment and then smiled with a nonchalant shrug. "I could live in Alaska!"

Suddenly, they were interrupted by the sound of one of the wolves screaming in agony outside, which startled them so much that they both jumped up. Hayley, Jackson, and a few other wolves ran outside to see what had happened, to find Ingrid and Klaus, who ripped the wolves' throat out with his own fingernails. Hayley was horrified at their presence which only seemed to satisfy them both further.

"Good evening, Crescents." Klaus greeted with a wide, devious smirk.

Ingrid narrowed her eyes at them with a bitter smile and shifted on his hips, her hands in her pockets. "I believe you have stolen something from us." She remarked in a slow, vexed tone of voice as her face remained blank.

"And it will come as no surprise to learn that things will not be ending well for you." Klaus added with a dark chuckle, gesturing to them with his hands held out at his sides in his usual defensive stance.

Jackson, looking anxious, stepped in front of Hayley before calling back to her, not taking his eyes off of the hybrids. "Go back inside. Get Hope and Mary out of here."

"I can help you!" Hayley offered, rejecting the run and hide technique.

"I'll be right behind you." Jackson said sternly, hoping she would just listen instead of arguing.

Hayley frowned deeply and attempted to reason with him again. "Jack..."

"Just get Hope, and run." He snapped at her and Hayley looked reluctant to leave him behind, but after a moment, she sped away. Jackson gulped nervously before addressing the other wolves, who had surrounded Klaus and Ingrid. "Let's take them!"

"I think not." Ingrid mused with a smirk before speeding after Hayley, leaving Klaus to battle the wolves.

Klaus looked around at his contenders and smirked, waving them on in a challenging manner. They all charged after him and it broke out into a vicious fight. Klaus grabbed one of the wolves and shoved his head through a glass window, which shattered upon impact with his skull. He shoved another into the tree, but was quickly grabbed by a third, who held onto Klaus so that Jackson could hit him with an arrow, which lodged into his chest.

Eternal ➳ N. Mikaelson [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt