➳ 67: out of the easy

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THE next morning, Elijah began to loudly call out for Klaus from the courtyard. "Niklaus! Niklaus!"

Just then, Klaus appeared on the balcony behind him, looking unamused. "You shout loud enough to wake the dead."

Ingrid walked out behind her husband, wearing only her lace panties and a men's dress shirt lazily drapped across her bare body. "Elijah... Must we do this almost every bloody morning? Honestly..."

Elijah noticed Ingrid's apparance and gaped at them in annoyance. "Can't pick up your phone? Your sister is missing."

"Well..." an eerily familiar female voice called out from below, immediately earning the Mikaelson's attention. Ingrid growled in pure fury and Klaus placed a hand on the small of her back, a comforting motion. "She's not exactly missing. And, as long as everyone behaves themselves, you can trust me to tell you where she is." Aurora explained, walking into their view with a wide smile. "Hello, Elijah."

Elijah glared at her furiously. "Give me my sister. Or perhaps I can pay a little visit to your brother, Tristan."

At the mention of the older de Martel, Ingrid's stomach nearly rejected its contents while recalling the events from the day prior. The sound of Klaus' voice was what she needed to snap out of her own thoughts. "Elijah, please." He called out in exasperation. "Aurora and I have come to an agreement." He remarked with an odd expression before waving her off. "Go on. I need to have a word with my brother."

The Mikaelsons congregated in Ingrid's study and Elijah started to fight the couple on their plans. "Am I to assume that you've gone completely mad?" He asked incredulously, looking between them.

Klaus walked over to Elijah with two drinks in his hands and handed one to him. "You see madness, I see method!"

Elijah took the glass from him while rolling his eyes. "And that method would be what, Niklaus? To collaborate with the she-devil who took our sister?"

"You didn't seem to have a problem with it yesterday." Ingrid commented bitterly from her desk. "Now it's an issue because it's not your idea."

Klaus smirked at her then glanced at Elijah in a pointed fasion. "To be clear, The Strix took our sister. Aurora simply hijacked her. I will get Rebekah back. Trust me. Keeping Aurora close is the goodwill we need." Klaus assured him and sipped his drink.

Elijah was quiet for a moment, considering this plan. "Well, it is a bold-- if lecherous-- plan. Will you employ the same tactic when it comes time to retrieve the medallion from Lucien and Tristan?"

Klaus smirked patronizingly. "They're not really my type. So you'd have ask Ingrid to do it instead."

Elijah, thoroughly exasperated by their behavior, sighed deeply and closed his eyes for a long moment. Ingrid raised an eyebrow at this reaction before rolling her eyes and running her fingers across her temples. "Elijah..." She called out to her brother-in-law but he ignored her.

Klaus, understanding Elijah's fear, sighed as well and shook his head. "There must be another way."

"Aurora will always protect Tristan... And, given that he and Lucien are aligned, the three of them together have a distinct advantage on us." Elijah mused slowly, brainstorming a plan.

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