➳ 49: gonna set your flag on fire

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INGRID was doting on Hope in the living room of the safe house, picking up her daughter and carrying her into the kitchen. "Hi, baby!"

They entered the kitchen where Elijah was making breakfast. He kissed Hope on the forehead and smiled down at his niece. "Good morning, sweetheart."

Ingrid smiled at her too before walking over to set the infant down in the highchair. She then poured herself a cup of coffee and glanced at her brother-in-law in concern. "How did you sleep?"

He cleared his throat and flipped a pancake over on the stove. "Alright." He answered gruffly, not telling the whole truth and refusing to keep eye contact.

"Elijah..." She called out to him with an unconvinced expression. "You can be honest."

Elijah sighed lowly to himself and turned to face her, an exhausted look on his face. "I didn't sleep."

Ingrid frowned unhappily and set her mug down on the counter. "My apologies. Is there something I could do to help?"

"Not unless you can think of a way to stop Hayley from getting married." He replied in a depressed tone of voice and turned back to the pancakes, plating them and handing them to her.

Ingrid took the plate from him and looked at him in worry. Realizing it was best to leave it be, she nodded her head and walked over to the table, sitting down next to her daughter.

Elijah walked over and sat down across from her with his own plate of food. The Mikaelsons ate breakfast together in silence, Ingrid sparing a glance Elijah's way every so often and Elijah staring off out the window.

While Hope was taking a nap, Ingrid was standing on the porch and speaking on the phone. "I'm going to kill her, Niklaus."

"While I'm glad he dodged a bullet, I don't think killing Hayley will help Elijah at this point." Klaus replied in stern tone from the other end of the call.

"I should never have allowed them to get so close." She sneered furiously and pulled her jacket closer around her. "I knew this would happen."

"Ingrid, love, there's nothing you could've done to prevent this. Despite what you try to do or how much you try to protect him, there's nothing you could've done." He explained in a calm voice then paused for a second before continuing. "Elijah is a grown man, he can handle himself."

"Doesn't make the inevitable any less frustrating." She remarked with a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. "What do we do? I cannot think of anyway to help him and it's..." she trailed off while clentching her fist. "...it's killing me." She ran a hand through her long, brunette hair and groaned. "I cannot help my family and it is painful."

"There's not much you can do, love. You have to let him heal on his own." Klaus informed her and continued on. "Listen, I'm on my way. Please be open minded."

"About?" She questioned in confusion but was met with the end of the dial tone. Growling, she looked to see that he had hung up the phone and slipped it into her pocket.

Hours later, Klaus arrived at the safe house with a certain blonde following in tow. "I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family. The little troublemaker all the fuss has been about." The front door opened and Ingrid walked out on the porch with Hope in her arms as Klaus walked up the steps and joined her on the porch. "Camille, this is Hope."

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