When It Comes To The Avengers, Multiple Turkeys Are Needed [HolidayVerse]

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To your surprise, Peter was just staring at you with a horrified look on his face. "Are you...are you saying he can see everyone and everything? Like, everything everything?"

"Uh, yeah?" You replied after finally finding Clint's contact in your phone. You really needed to stop changing his name so you could remember which one it is, but then again, when he shoots out a Jenga block with a precision arrow from 100 yards away without knocking over the tower, of course you're going to change his name to Jenga Master.

"Why?" You then began to tease. "You didn't think all of your dirty little secrets were hidden, did you?"

"No- I mean, I don't do anything, I'm just-" Peter gave up with a groan, and you chuckled as you opened messages and shot a quick text to Clint.

"Relax. There's too many people in the Nine Realms. He probably doesn't pay attention to you."

"I can't tell if that makes me feel better or worse."

"Dealers Choice," you tell him before your phone buzzed. "And that looks like the total is up to eighteen." You bit back a groan, currently grateful that there were already 4 22 pound turkeys defrosting, because with 2 super soldiers, 4 Asgardians (only 2 of which were sensible enough to eat a normal amount of food), a spider boy and a speedy boy with super metabolisms and a human with a bottomless pit for a stomach, you were going to need them all.

"Eighteen? People coming to Thanksgiving?" Peter asked, his eyes wide.

"Unless you and May just want a little at home meal,"

"No!" He answered quickly, a small sheepish laugh escape his lips before he rubbed the back of his head. "I just mean, we'd rather eat here will all of you."

"Stop lying, you're horrible at it." You smiled, shaking your head, knowing the real reason he and his aunt May accepted the invitation so quickly. "That's not counting if the Asgardians and Co. show up though. It would bring the total up to around twenty-five. But there are also three who might not show up, so we're just gonna have to wait and see."

"You're going to be cooking so much!" Peter exclaimed as you hopped down from the counter. As you grabbed your jacket, you glanced at him over your shoulder. "I'm so sorry. You should have some kind of help."

"Thanks for volunteering!" You chirped, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the kitchen despite his stammering protests.

"I didn't say me, I'm a terrible cook!"

"You set yourself up for that one, Pete. And don't worry, I only need a gopher. You don't have to do any actual work. I don't want you botching this meal."

"Okay, good," he sighed, still stumbling behind you. "So where are we going?"

You let go of his arm to slip on your Vans and you nodded toward the elevator. "Shopping. Groceries, if you need me to be specific. We've got a lot of prep to do."

"You're just assuming I can go with you? What if I'm busy?"

You paused as you stood up, looking deadpan at the boy in front of you. "Peter, you do your homework for fun in your spare time, you wouldn't be here unless May knew you had everything settled, and you instinctively straight to me the second you got here, so chances are you were already looking for something to do. Might as well be productive about it."

He gaped at you a moment before nodding his head and shrugged. "Fair enough." He followed you into the elevator as the doors opened.

"I wasn't taking no for an answer anyway. You have super-strength, and I'm going to take advantage of that to save us a couple of trips."

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