Natalie's essential oils bath.

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Mate marks are a really strange thing. They not only mean, that you've found your soulmate. But, it also means, that you can be up for an unrequited love.

It suddenly appears on a part of your body, which is most appealing to your mate... To give you a moment of bliss, to know that you found the one, who you're meant to be with.

But then, you might notice, that even though that person is supposed to be your everything. You are not their's. And you watch them walk away, with someone else. While you keep standing, where you are.

They might not look over their shoulders, even once, to check on you. But, you keep looking over your shoulder, every chance you get. Even though you, yourself are holding someone else.

The marks appear one fine day, and stays there, for the whole, twenty four hours. Like an one time offer from a huge shopping centre. To only disappear, the very next day. And keeps doing so, with every intimate touch. Until, you have sealed the deal, with the one. It sits permanently. For the rest of your life.

If you are lucky. The one for you, will be with you, even if you are not the one for them.

But, that can't be the case everytime. Can it?

Kongpob tried, grabbing Arthit's hand. But no matter how hard he ran. Or how desperately he called. Arthit kept drifting far, far away.

And Kong could only run after him. As he watched Arthit, hand in hand, with a shadow. Or someone else. Smiling at that person, like he smiled at Kong. Coaxing and treating that person. Like he once treated Kong. Comforting the person, just like he comforted Kong.

Calling the person, to be his. Just like he called Kong.

And no matter how hard Kongpob tried. Arthit always drifted away.

Until Kong choked on his breath. And snapped his eyes open. Groaning with the sting of his eyes and being hit by the bright morning lights. Sipping through his room's window.

He drew in a breath. Trying to calm his thudding heart. And rubbed away his cheeks. Lying straight on his back... Staring blankly at the dark wooded ceiling. Feeling the ache in his chest, spread and consume.

It's been five days.

And it seemed to Kong, to be as long as five years. The bereavement, the pain. The constant feeling of dread. Making Kong numb, each passing second.

And the constant nightmares, that he woke up to.

Arthit hasn't called once. And Kong regretted, walking away. Without one explanation. If Arthit was angry, it wasn't his fault. Kong deserved it.

If Kong never felt any anger or sorrow, through his mark. It was completely his fault. If Arthit forgot him so easily, it was completely his fault too. If Arthit didn't miss Kong once... It was Kong's fault too.

He ruined everything. Just like everytime.

But... Something was different that day. Even though his constant ache, remained being there. There was a faint warmth, that spread through him.

The same warmth he felt, everytime Arthit would be close. Everytime, he felt that he'd be seeing Arthit soon.

Kong sat down, shaking away his hopeless anticipation. And his daydream, about Arthit suddenly appearing, to take him away.

Because, they were impossible to happen. And Kong messed things up. With his stupidity.

It only took him one day to realise, how stupid he actually was. To have given away to his cowardice. Without properly having a word with Arthit. To have ruined everything. After Arthit did so much for him.

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