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Kong felt his heart clenching tighter... Every second they walked up the high ground.

Holding a bouquet of white roses in one hand. Arthit was kind enough to get him. From the flower shop downhill. At the corner of the road to the chapel they climbed up to. Parking the car down the road.

His other hand in Arthit's tight grip. Or his own. He didn't know.

He haven't been here in a long time. And he felt like crying already. And his grip kept tightening every second. They walked up the forest laden winding road. Towards the cemetery.

It was close to sun down. And the orange glow of the sun peeking through the lush of evergreen trees, cast a golden shadow throughout.

The soft winter breeze, that glided through the trees making a whistling sound. The only sound, apart from their soles, crunching over the twigs and dry leaves. Covering the narrow road.

The folks whose time was nearing to rise in the darkness of the night. Started calling out. Through the silence that was impending.

The birds that made nest in those trees were calling their mates to come back. In soft, tired voices. That reverberated through the forest. Different calls. From different birds. But, having the same feel.

Feel of waiting for someone to come back. Feel of living with someone. The warmth and the comfort. The feel of safety. And home.

Kong looked sideways. At the pale side face. Glowing with the last rays of the sun... Taking over the phone. About something...

Kong never paid much attention to whatever Arthit talked over phone. Or anyone, as of that matter. Everyone had their privacy.

Arthit was back with his things in an hour. Which wasn't much. Just clothes, shoes, documents. And a guitar.

And while Arthit was gone. Kong found home decor supplies in the wardrobe inside the bedroom. Curtains, bed and pillow cover, cushion covers. All in peach colour. Contrasting with the lilac walls.

The house was already facilitated with necessities. Which must have come with the apartment itself.

The place had a well functioned bathroom. It was well furnished. Was set on the fourteenth floor, with a beautiful view outside. Anything of which Kong wasn't aware of. Because he ran away.

And Kong wondered, how much the place cost. Making him feel a little guilty again.

Though he soon got distracted with the treasure he found in the wardrobe.

Kongpob used the time Arthit was gone in fixing the whole apartment. Putting curtains and covers. Dusting and cleaning. Using the supplies he found under the kitchen basin.

He even arranged his clothes and things in the wardrobe. And left place for Arthit to do the same.

While Oon sat like a good boy, inside his basket. Over the counter of the open kitchen. Covered in a small blanket. Well, maybe he was too comfortable to run around.

Arthit had fed him carrot chunks before leaving.

Oh yeah! He loved being with Arthit. Kong had noticed... In the little time Oon spent with Arthit.

Oon especially was fond of sitting over Arthit's shoulder. Close to the crook of Arthit's neck. While he would keep scrunching his nose and sniff Arthit's neck.

It was older Oon's fault. He showed little Oon that he can perch himself on the broad shoulder. Very easily. While older Oon worked or moved.

And no... Kongpob wasn't jealous of the little guy. When the bigger one would spoil him. By talking to him. Fondling his small, golden furred body. Or letting him perch on the shoulder.

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