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Jay watched from the upstairs balcony. The exchange between his brother and and the beautiful boy. Drinking his wine. How Arthit smiled and entertained the kid. How the kid gave his brother dreamy eyes.

Jay knew that look very well. The look of worshipping.

Arthit and himself were always close.  But, looking at the way his father treated his Beta brother, Jay adapted that behaviour too. Feeling elated whenever his brother would be humiliated.

A part of him knew. What he was doing wasn't a good thing. But he couldn't help it. So, he enjoyed. Watching when Arthit was taken off things that he desired. Even the woman, Jay knew Arthit wanted to marry.

But, now looking at the Omega kid. Jay's Alpha instincts made him want to have that boy. More than his Alpha instincts, Jay wanted to see Arthit's distress again. Because, Jay could see Arthit's laid back expression, when he talked to the kid. Who was smiling at something, Arthit said.

"What are you doing here?"

Jay looked sideways, to find his father come and stand besides. Jay took another sip. As both the men stared down where Arthit was.

"I want that boy." Jay hissed. Without even hiding this time.

Phukhao gaped at Jay, then back at the kid, talking to Arthit.

"Don't be reckless Jay. The whole press knows about your engagement." Phukhao hissed.

Jay gritted his teeths. Staring down. Gulping the whole content of the glass at one go.

"I don't care, dad. I want that boy."

"Jay... You just exchanged ring with a woman."

"It was your decision."

"And we are sticking to it." Phukhao snapped, glaring.

Jay glared back. "I. Want. That. Boy. And I don't care what you'd do."

Phukhao gaped, as he watched Jay marching away. Stating his demand. Phukhao didn't blame Jay. He was what Phukhao made him to be.

He followed his gaze towards the honey skinned Omega again. Then at Arthit. Who looked to be enjoying the kid's company. Phukhao recognised the boy. Kerkklai's son.

Phukhao sighed.

Kongpob was an Omega. Youngest of his family. While he had two elder Beta sisters. When he was born. Kerkklai expected an Alpha. But, he didn't.

And that made Kongpob the subject of every scrutiny. From his father. Who was an Alpha. And had the whole house under his control.

When Kongpob put forth his wish to be an engineer. He was mocked. For being among mostly Alphas and Betas. But, that didn't stop him from approaching his dreams. He entered engineering, with a full fledged scholarship.

But, another trouble which walked his way was. He was eighteen now. Legally adult. To marry and merger his family with another family with strong and deep roots.

Kongpob knew his father would look for Alphas. And he knew how his life would be, if he marries someone like his own father. And the thought dropped his heart in his stomach, every morning. When he wakes up.

So, when he saw Arthit. Smiling at his own girlfriend's engagement with his own brother. He felt something. A strength.

He knew Arthit was a Beta. And Rojnapat's were a big name around. So Arthit's story wasn't infamous.

Kongpob heard people whispering and muttering about the humiliation of Arthit, the moment he walked inside the grand Rojnapat Manor.

But, when he saw the man. Kongpob knew one thing. Arthit wasn't weak, like everyone assumed him to be. He had more to him, then he actually portrays. The feature drawing Kongpob more to the Handsome pale man. Whose dimples can brighten anyone's day.

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