Author's Note.

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Hi this is Bamboo_shoot. And I am here to announce something and also put on my opinions about something, before proceeding with the next chapters.

I really hope all the regular readers read it before proceeding. (Silent ones included).

So, as you all have seen and read that I write fluff, romance and anything which is my happy escaped... Which makes me smile...

M-preg being one of them.

To be honest, I was very uncomfortable with the idea of this topic when I first came across it. But the more I read it the more I realised that how those amazing writers create this beautiful eutopia for all the couples who struggle against social and natural norms to be with each other.

How those writers created this happy bubble for them where everything is possible.

Though not everyone is not supportive of the idea, we writers do warn beforehand... So they can back away when it's needed.

Like the Omega Verse. The name itself is warning enough.

But there are few things which still are unsettling (for me) in this verse.

Like pregnancy. Because we all know that we need a special body part to be able to produce offsprings. And it's not possible the way it is portrayed most of the time. (If you know what I mean).

I know it's a Fanfiction, I know everything is possible... But I can't with my conscience. Which won't allow me to insult any form of gender. Or show them in a bad light...

BECAUSE we work really hard to put our thoughts and keep the character's soul alive while writing. (Copied)

Now you might call me overdramatic and petty for creating such a fuss over a fiction am not paid for...

Like I always say every creation is beautiful in their own way, so why change it without valid reason?

So here are few things I want to clear AND put forth as my perspective before proceeding with the further chapters.


1. Omega is someone born as a boy... But once they come of age, their body start changing. Precisely speaking, their genitals change.

2. They don't become woman. No. They definitely don't get breasts (except when they are expecting. Their bosoms become soft but not prominent). They are very much themselves, but with softer voice and softer, more delicate features.

3. They get naturally alluring, given they weren't meant to be the other side. But since they get the genes, they become more appealing. As their bodies start becoming attractive for the same sex.

4. Since it's an ABO fiction, omegas and alphas are descendants of the ancient wolves... They don't morphe their body but they are different. Especially the unique scents they carry. That makes them different.

5. The ones who carry the genes of the first creator of the human/wolf race, are stronger than the regular alpha. (Arthit Rojnapat in this fiction)

*His identity will be revealed soon. But he is just not a simple alpha I assure.

6. They can hide their identity with suppressant. Especially omegas. But in rare cases the dominant of the whole race can use it too. I.e the alphas.

7. Omegas are special. Because they are capable of taking the roles of both father and mother.

But unfortunately the reason they are always looked down upon as breeding machine because of the beautiful change their body go through from the day they come of age.

The reason why Kerkklai hates Kongpob so much. Degrades him and is embarassed of him.

The reason why Kongpob never treated himself the way he should during his heat. The reason why he didn't get any form of comfort. Physical or mental.

The reason why he is so scared that Arthit will do the same once he sees Kong's flaws. The reason he is so scared to be consciously naked in front of Arthit. (Apart from his adorable shyness that it).

I hope I made Kong's character clear, the struggles and sufferings he went through to make him doubtful about himself.

But. He has a happy ending. So does Arthit. It's not a spoiler, but they will live happily. And things will soon definitely fall in place.

Hope I gave everyone enough insight, of Kong's nature and his sufferings. To make things clear for the upcoming chapters. To not make things uncomfortable or awkward for anyone.

Once again, these are just my perspectives. I mean no offence to anyone in any sort. I am speaking my mind.

I want all the love for the characters in this book. They suffered a lot already. So I made everything clear, to collect love and not hate or mockery.


No matter your existence, every creation is made to be loved, respected and cared for. Within or outside the world of words.

Thank you. And I miss your comments and votes. Which are lessening with each chapter. I know I go MIA, but your reactions are what keeps me going. Hoping to get those reactions soon... Signing off...


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