Pain knows no barriers.

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Kongpob indeed felt drowsy, as he looked out through the car glass. The crowd was dispersed and the authorities talking to man and woman. He didn't know exactly, but he assumed them to be Davian's parents. And to Kong's relief, they didn't look very happy with Davian. He can't hear them, but he can read through their actions... They seemed to be apologising to Arthit. Who looked terrifying...

And after what seemed like hours, Arthit seemed to nod to something to the woman. Who smiled gratefully. Making Kong smile as well... He has lived enough with his husband to know that, his big bad wolf... Can be nice when he wants to be.

It was a chaos there, with all the guards that surrounded them... And Kong never felt so special... Looking at half of them actually surrounding the car that he was in. He was living a normal, if not miserable life... With abuse and pain... He didn't know that he can be treated so extravagantly... It felt strange, but he felt giddy at the same time.

Phukao's love for him felt alien... But he felt so full. He didn't know that, that man can be so soft... Although in his heart he knows that he is the only one Phukao went soft for... And he can't feel more humbled and loved... Bizarre... Everything was bizarre... Yet so fulfilling.

His eyes fixed on the back of the man who made it all possible. Showed him love and respect... Gave him so much. Kongpob felt proud of himself that he didn't give up, the first day Arthit asked him to refuse. He gasped feeling butterflies in his belly. Making him curl his toes and bite his lips.

He wanted to be nowhere now, but in Arthit's arms. He felt so tired, like every time he looses control over himself. He wanted to sleep... He wanted to be... Touched and be naked in his husband's arms. He flushed with the revolting thought, which felt so perfect non the less.

He pushed closer to the glass and dropped his forehead against the cold surface. Putting his palms next to his face, tilting his head with a pout. Looking longingly at the back of his mate.


He yearned for Arthit that moment. And he didn't know what happened, but Arthit looked over the very next moment. Piercing his gaze right through Kong's soul, even though Kong knew he was behind tinted glass.

Kong flinched back, hugging himself. Feeling he was not so far from the man, but right in front of him. In front of those overwhelming eyes. And Kong couldn't help, but drop his gaze shyly. Blushing and nervously gulping down lumps.

The next time he looked up, he gasped fidgeting on his seat. Curling and uncurling his toes, gnawing nervously on his lips... Arthit was walking his way, followed by the couple and Davian.

He felt exposed, like he was caught doing something. Like Arthit can see through him... And has heard all that he was thinking, just moments back.

He flinched dropping his gaze and gulping down lumps when Arthit pulled the door open. Still hugging himself inside Phukao's jacket and having his legs curled cosily under his hips.

He whimpered, when Arthit came inside, sitting over the little space besides Kong and shutting the door behind him. Everything falling silent instantly.

Kong's heart banged against his chest so hard that he feared Arthit can hear him. He sat upright with downturn eyes, rubbing his palms unconsciously over his lap. Feeling Arthit's stare on his sideface.

He closed his eyes, with his heart skipping beats when Arthit tucked away his hairs. The tip of Arthit's fingers leaving a burning trail over Kong's skin. Tingling his spine. He drew in shaky breathes, feeling his nostrils flare with Arthit's essence that engulfed him.

"Are you okay?" Arthit came closer, breaking the silence.

Kong laid sideways against Arthit's chest, keeping his legs folded under his hips. He nuzzled himself against Arthit's chest, nodding in reply. He opened his eyes and his gaze fell on the people waiting outside the car.

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