Black Rose.

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Kongpob drew in a breath. Shutting his already shut eyes, tighter. Pulling the warm covers over his head. It felt so cozy in the soft warmth. That he didn't want to open his eyes.

But, he was awake and was splashed with all the memories of last night. And he opened his eyes. Looking at the new surrounding. White and baby blue wall with brown furnishings.

And... An empty couch.

Kong closed his eyes. He was expecting, that couch to be empty... But, it still hurt. A part of him wished for waking up to Arthit's sleeping face. Or just his face. Smiling down at Kongpob, with dimples. To assure him, it was all good.

He pushed himself to sit. Grabbing the left side of his neck. It was prickling like crazy. The room doesn't seem like the one to have insects. Must be something, when he was sitting outside, last night. Kong rubbed over the left of his neck, harder. To brush away the stinging.

Kongpob sat, groaning with the pain that was crackling in every inch of him. Apart from his prickly neck.

He removed the covers and sat over the edge of the bed. Facing the white curtained windows. Which were open. And the breeze kept blowing in. Announcing the arrival of winter.

Kong wondered about his mother and sister. And the way he added his crazy on Arthit's kind shoulders. It was all his fault... If only he wasn't there. Nothing would have fallen apart.

Kong blinked, hearing the sound of flapping paper, besides. He looked sideways, to find a paper, placed under his cellphone. Flapping against the breeze that was blowing in.

He frowned, taking the paper from under his mobile. And stared at it. It was a letter. And Kong, felt his lips curve upwards, reading the content. Written in clean and bold handwriting.

"Good Morning, Princess."

"Good morning, P'Arthit." Kong mumbled under his breath, staring at the paper. "Stop calling me that."

Kong rubbed his cheeks, to brush away the heat he felt. Grumbling.

"I know, I should have stayed... But, I have to deal with something... And, I'll pick you up, in the evening..."

Kongpob didn't find any sign of goodbye in the letter. Instead, it was full of promises of being able to see each other in the future. Which made Kong gulp giddy lumps.

"Don't worry about classes. I talked to your friends. You can rest today..."

Kongpob frowned, taking his phone for checking the time. His eyes went wide. It was forty five minutes past ten. He slept for so long... And Arthit talked to his friends? Kong closed his eyes, imagining everyone's narrowed eyes on himself.

Well, what's done is done.

"I want you to rest for the day. Have your medicines... And not to blame yourself, the first thing after you wake up."

Kongpob caressed over the letter. Feeling his chest tighten. As he blinked, feeling the burn in his eyes.

"How do you always know me, without even a word?"

"It wasn't your fault. So, don't sulk... You look horrible (in a cute way). With that bloody pout of yours..."

Kong pouted. Frowning at the letter.

"I know you pouted again... So cute."

Kong blushed, pouting harder. Imagining Arthit's chuckles.

"And I want you to call me, the moment you wake up.

Yours truly.

P.s, You look adorable in purple... Remind me, when we go shopping next time."

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