All in you.

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Kongpob was shivering. While waiting for Arthit. In fear and anticipation. His father's eyes. His father's cold words. Every slash of the leather belt. Still fresh in his mind.

What if...

His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. Making him blink. And stare at the door. Taking an involuntary step back.

"Open up, Princess..."

Kong heard, Arthit's muffled disembodied voice. And he stepped closer to the door.

"P'Arthit?" He whispered, resting his forehead against the door.

"Yes..." Came the instant reply. "It's me baby. Open the door..."

Kong blushed. And panicked, at the same time. What if he hated the reactions, Kong would be getting, the moment he steps out. What he felt disgusted?

But, Kong was in so much pain. His cramps were killing him. His breathes were unsteady. He was too hot and too cold at the same time. He was burning up. Sweating tonnes. He can't stay here forever.

It was painful. He just wanted to curl up somewhere safe and sleep. Curl up in Arthit's arms.

Which was strange. Because, when he would be on his heat, after the first experience. He'd just lock himself in his room. And cry alone. Too scared to let anyone come near him.

After the first incident, he became cautious. He was young, so his heats weren't so frequent. He'd be lucky enough to be inside his house.

And later he met Aim and the others. So, even if he'd be suffering while outside, they'd manage to get him to his house or somewhere safe. Though he didn't trust, any of them closer to him.

But now, he just wanted to curl up in Arthit. Constantly reminded of the night, where Arthit held him in his arms and they slept. The warmth, the feeling of safety. Like nothing could ever go wrong.

All these years, he suffered all alone. But now. He had a mate. Who accepted him. He had a fiance. He had someone he loved. And maybe, just maybe, he didn't have to suffer alone, anymore.

Maybe he'd have the comfort and warmth, he begged to the universe to have.

Being in heat, doesn't mean, people craved for getting laid. It was no doubt a big part. But it wasn't all. Being in heat, made people crave for comfort too.

And maybe, this time, Kong can have his comfort. In Arthit's warmth.

The idea, made Kong feel, extremely selfish.

He remembers Arthit being hungry. And he couldn't eat anything again. He remembered, Arthit tending to him, from the very first day. Always being there. As a strength and support.

While, all Kong brought Arthit was distress. And burden.

Kong's lips trembled. As he stared at the door. Blankly. Trying to figure, how Arthit must be looking.

"I am sorry..." Kong sobbed. "I am so sorry."

His mark was the only comfort at the moment. Which would ripple a wave of sooth, the moment Kong would be hit by extreme cramp.

His mark was comforting him. Just like Arthit.

Kong blinked, realising the matter. His mark was continuously comforting him. Throbbing soothingly.

He straightened, looking at the door again. Is that how Arthit must be feeling?

"Don't be... Sweetheart. Please. Open the door."

Kong heard Arthit's soothing voice. Trying to coax him. Kong gripped on the door knob. Feeling his muscles shaking. Wondering, if he was ready. If he could do it.

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