Chapter Seven

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If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind. Remember this, nobody can hurt me without my permission. May The Almighty help and guide us all to do good deeds?


"Are you alright Nasir?" She asked while scanning through his body like a mother who has been told her favourite son had had an almost fatal accident.

"Yeah, I'm fine Salma, thank you, what can make me not fine" Nas said, rolling his eyes and his expression going back to how it was earlier.

After few minutes, Ella has already cleaned his wounds and plastered the deep scratch.

"Ok, Nas, you should meet Mr Charles at the staff room.

Third Person's POV
"Mmhhmm" Nasir nodded after Jackson told him to meet Mr Charles at the staff room.

Hammad, Jackson and Salma followed him, they all stood outside while he went inside.

Mr Charles was sitting on a desk beside a window, looking at his face, one will tell how angry he was.

Jax was already in the staff room when Nasir walked in, he stood with a straight back, folding his arms with his head held up high, he had an annoying smirk on his face, he turned when he heard the footsteps of Nasir, he looked at him, smiling, he bit his lip and turned back.

Nasir walked to where Jax was standing, he stood really close to him, his shoulder would have touched Jax's if he wasn't a few inches taller than him.

Nasir lowered his head a little bit, gnashing his teeth, he said "I am your type, Abram Jax"

He immediately lifted his head when Mr Charles coughed.

"Abram Jax and Muhammad Nasir, you both disrespected me" Mr Charles said "I didn't expect this from you, Nasir, I've reported the case to the principal, your parents have been called, the school can't tolerate this"
He said in one breath.

" Mr Macaulay in his office" Mr Charles said.

Jax and Nasir walked outside, Salma's eyes were red, she was at the verge of crying, Jackson and Hammad were just looking at her.

"What's the problem Salma? Nasir asked immediately he was out of the Staff room.

"What's wrong?" He questioned, looking at both Jackson and Hammad

"N-nasir, I'm really sorry..." Salma said while tears were rolling down her face

"...I didn't mean to, I-I-I..." She was trying to talk when Nasir just smiled and said "keep quiet, okay? We'll talk later, sshhh" he said in a calm voice.

Salma's tears kept on rolling down while Jax and Nasir were in the principal's office.

Mr Macaulay looked at both Nasir and Jax, he just smiled and said "Muhammad Nasir, your parents weren't even in the city, they just arrived, few hours back, do you know that?" He asked Nasir

"I don't" he grumbled

"They'll be on their way soon, Jax, your mom's on her way, she said your dad's a little bit busy"

Mr Macaulay called both their parents to the school. Mr Abram is the school's PTA chairman, a very rich business man, rumours have it that he's a drug dealer but no one has been able to get any evidence against him, he's a very powerful man in the community and around the country. The status of Mr Abram gives his son, Jax, the freedom to do whatever he wishes at anytime. Jax has caused havock in the school, right from his Junior years. Mrs Sarah Abram is also a wealthy business woman, she was once a model, she deals in fashion designing, she's a very beautiful woman, she has long silky, dark hair, a figure 8 with an average height. Mrs Sarah Abram is truly an epitome of beauty. Jax has an elder sister, Sophia, she's also a very beautiful and lovely girl, just like her mother. She just graduated from college, she studied Business Administration to help her dad at one of their companies in the country, Jax is also a commercial department student, he'll take a business course and help his father after his graduation from college.

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