Chapter Thirty Four

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Mend your broken ties with your family and loved ones. Don't wait any longer. It's so much easier to call and speak to them over the phone than it is to cry out to them while staring at a gravestone

"Work?...hmm... yeahh" she stuttered shyly

"Come on bro, let's go to the...hmm... to"

"Let's hug" Jackson helped him and this time the three of them laughed out loud because what he said was totally off.

"Have a good time" he walked to his room and left them in the parlor

Chapter Thirty Four
Third Person's POV
The students had their last paper and the screams they made immediately they stepped out of the hall were scary.

"I'm so happy, at least I'll sleep peacefully today"

"I'm gonna sleep for 3 days non stop"

"I'm done with everything!"

Comments like these just filed in the air.

Nasir and Jackson were walking looking for Hammad.

"You know what bro" Jackson started a conversation

"What's up" Nasir said

"You and Salma?" Jackson smiled at him

"Yeahh, what about us?" He asked as if he didn't even get what Jackson was talking about

"You like her?" Jackson raised his eyebrow

"Yeah, he does" Hammad chipped and fist bumped the two of them

"How do you guys want to assume that I do?" He asked them

"You once said..." Jackson started listing a few things

"You once told us that everything about her is perfect and blah blah blah" Hammad snapped his fingers

"And you are still asking me if I like her or not? I fucking do!" He raised his voice

"Calm down lover boy" they all laughed at his reaction

"I like her, I don't know why and how I like, the thing getting me scared is falling for her" he complained as they still walked

"Let's go to my car" Jackson said

"It depends on the meaning of falling in love..." Hammad weirdly said when Nasir kept mute for some seconds

"Hm, listen, don't talk, allow the experienced fellow to talk" Jackson dusted his shoulder

"The fuck!" Nasir raised his eyebrow playfully

"Listen, the last time this guy had a relationship was plenty years ago" Jackson said

"Yeahh, it's true"  Hammad clarified

"Hmm, same here" Nasir said

"And I think Salma has never gotten into one so everything will be odd and new for her" Jackson thought

"How's your leg?" Hammad, by this time they were in the car already

"It's healing already" he bent down to look at it, his leg was getting better as he wasn't even using crutches, but he limps

"That's okay"

"I'm not really sure, sometimes I just want to be around her, just completely enjoy her company. I like how she talks, walks, I like how shy she is...I like everything about her..."

"... sometimes you just feel like hugging her but it's Haram" Jackson completed Nasir's sentence

"Haha, how did you know?" Hammad chuckled

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