Chapter Forty Five

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The fact is some people will hate you for reasons known only to them. They won’t hesitate to spread rumours and gossip about you. Don’t retaliate. Let the good you do speak for itself.

She told us about a few challenges here and there and ended up telling us it was achievable, we just needed to work towards our dreams.

Amir laughed at Hammad who told him he looked like the elder one

"Yeahhh...yeahhh, whatever" Amir raised his hand and dropped it backwards.

We went to see aunt Zee and the baby when Nura, Amir, his mum and their aunt were about to leave

Chapter Forty Five
Third Person's POV
Seven days after Zainab gave birth, the naming ceremony was scheduled just the Islamic way. The event was quite because of her brother's death and it was pretty clear she hasn't still recovered from his death.

"Hmm, Zee...come on, have something" Zayn offered her something to eat but she declined by turning her face to the other direction.

"Now what you are doing is against the religion, what can you do about your brother's death? Can you get him to breathe again? No... absolutely no!..."

"... what you are doing is doing intentional damage to your health and how in the world do you expect his daughter to slightly start living without her dad when this is what you are doing too..." He continued talking but it was as if he was a device on the mute button. She didn't even bulge, just continued looking into empty space.

"I'm... just... I wanted him to see my brother" she started talking for the first time, Zayn just kept quiet and listened to the words coming out of her mouth even though nothing tangible came out of her mouth, it was just a couple of words that couldn't be out together.

Zayn dropped his head and immediately brought it up, he slowly shifted to her and rubbed her back softly.

"It's okay... okay?"

"It has been destined my love"

After a few talking, she became calm and slept off with her head on his shoulder. Everything was becoming too stressful for him, he had to deal with Salma who doesn't want to be talked to or even seen as far it's not her friends, then Zainab whose brother's death has shocked more than anyone can imagine. His baby and work but he had to take a 3 months leave to focus on what will come up next.

The baby was named Ahmad, Zayn's sister brought up the idea and thought it could be a way to get Zainab out of her cocoon.

Ruqayyah was back to her business in no time, neighbors were even surprised when they saw how her lifestyle changed back to normal in less than 3 weeks after her husband's death. Maryam went back to school but Salma couldn't even though it was close to her examinations. Nasir, Hammad and Amir went back. Luckily for Salma, Nasir's father had talked to her and she went back to school two days after the naming ceremony. Both Zainab and Salma were excited when they were told the baby's name.

On the other side, Miss Mira, Mr Muhammad Shehu, Zafeerah and Nasir had an intense meeting before he went back to school. At last, everything was resolved but there was one problem. Nasir's mother wasn't willing to accept anything that happened so she targeted Salma on baseless words. She was once called Mr Muhammad and told him he'd pay with his reputation for what he did to her.

Zafeerah and Hamid's wedding date was set after Hammad exams. Preparations were already on going and things became smooth for Zafeerah.

Mr Muhammad Shehu offered Miss Mira to come over and stay in his house but she declined politely.

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