Bing Crosby #3

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Christmas at your house is always cheerful with children running around with the new toys and conversations filling the space. Your husband Bing is always singing or whistling a song while dressed as Santa Claus. In the air there's a smell of delicious cakes. Adults toast with wine and children toast with juice and everyone wishes a good Christmas to everyone.

You smile when you see your husband playing with the children around the Christmas tree full of lights and decorations. Christmas songs are playing on the old vinyl player.

"Dance with me.", Bing says getting closer to you.

"Right now?", you ask. The kids are still playing with the toys and the adults are talking to each other.

You hold his hand and he guides you to the center of the living room. Bing is such a good dancer, making you spin around. He holds you in his arms and suddently the world is quiet when you stare into the eyes of your lover.

"Merry Christmas, baby!", Bing says and kisses you cheek.

"Merry Christmas, my love!"

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Christmas makes you happy. It is the most beautiful time of the year.

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