Paul Newman #3

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It was finally prom night and you were feeling excited. 

Your mother sewed you a beautiful long pink dress with brilliants and looking at your reflection in the mirror you felt beautiful. 

"You look stunning, darling.", your mother told you coming from behind you and kisisng your cheek. "He is downstairs waiting for you."

You smiled, feeling a mix between exciting and nervous. Your best friend Paul had invited you to go with him, even though he had dozens of girls that would happily go with him. But still he chose you, making you feel surprised.

As you walked downstairs, you could listen to your father talking with Paul. Your father always liked Paul because they both loved football and could talk for hours and hours about it. Paul was the only guy your father trusted enough to visit you at home.  

"Honey.", your father greeted you. "You look beautiful.", he said, kissing your cheek. "Your mother made a really good work with your dress."

You smiled.

"Thank you, daddy.", you said.

"Aren't you going to say anything, boy?", your father asked Paul giving him slightly with his elbow.

Paul looked embarrassed.

"You look pretty... I mean, really pretty.", he spoke.

You smiled again. This time wider.

"Thank you, Paul.", you said. "You look pretty too."

"Well, look at the time.", your mother interrupted you. "You two need to get out of here to prom."

Looking at the clock in the living room, it was almost time to go. 

"Listen boy.", your father looked at Paul with concern in his voice. "You better take care of my little girl. And I want her at home by midnight."

"Daddy...", you spoke. "I'm grown up now."

"I will take care of her, don't worry, Mr. (Y/L/N).", Paul assured him.

"You better.", your father said, trying to contain a smile on his lips. He knew very well that Paul would take care of you.

All night, Paul couldn't take his eyes off you. For him, you were the most beautiful girl in the world with a pretty smile and kind soul.

"You want to dance?", Paul asked you. You were drinking juice and talking with some classmates.

You smiled at him.

"I would love to.", you replied.

Paul took your hand and directed you to the dance floor. He wasn't a great dancer, but for you he would try. You smiled at the way he held you close so delicately. 

"Didn't know you were a dancer.", you commented, looking at his face, illuminated by the dim lights.

"Anything for you baby.", Paul replied.

The way he called you "baby" made you feel happy inside. For many months, you tried to hide the fact that, deep inside, your feeling for him changed. You had been best friends for so long that it was hard to tell him you wished you could be more than that.

" Hey, man!", one of the students came near you and Paul. He was tall and a little older in age, even though you and Paul were on the last year of school. "Let me dance with your girl.", he tried to hold your arm, but you didn't let him. You had seen him before at the football games. He was the type of guy that was always looking for trouble.

"I'm not interested.", you simply replied, hoping he would go away.

"C'mon honey. Let me show you how to dance.", the guy insisted, and tried to grab your arm again.

"She told you she's not interested.", Paul intervened, standing between you and the guy. "So you better leave."

The guy laughed.

"Because you told me so?", he said, pointing at himself.

"I advised you."

But the guy didn't take a 'no' for an answer. He closed his hand into a fist and threw it at Paul's face, who was caught off guard. Suddenly, the two boys were fighting each other. Everyone stopped dancing to try to separate them. 

Everything happened so quickly that from one moment to the next you were outside the ball, feeling the cool wind blowing through your hair. One of the teachers gave you a first aid kit, and you helped Paul that was a little hurt.

"Sorry (Y/N). I ruined your night...", Paul mumbled, after you helped him with the cut on his forehead.

"You joking, right?", you said. "Paul, you didn't ruin my night. You helped me."

His blue eyes were admiring you, and you felt an urge to sit beside him and kiss him.

"Thank you, Paul. Really.", you said.

"I'm always here for you darling.", he replied, before smiling shyly.

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A little longer imagine. I guess I was inspired. 

Hope you all like it <3

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