Buddy Holly

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Dedicated to: buddyhollycult  ; buddyholly22 ; buddyhollyismybaby


"I'll call you tomorrow, sweetheart. I love you. Don't you forget that."

Those were the last words that Buddy said to you at night when you talked on the telephone. When the call ended, and you went to sleep alone in your bed, you were sure that your boyfriend Buddy would call you on the next day just like he promised.

But tomorrow arrived, and neither you nor Buddy knew that he would never get the chance to hear your sweet voice again.

You stared at the television screen in disbelieve. It was all fake, you knew it. Buddy and his friends couldn't be dead. No, it wasn't true. There must have been a logic explanation to that... It was not Buddy's airplane... Or he wasn't there because he missed the flight... He was still sleeping in his hotel room, too deep in his dreams to know that the airplane he was supposed to be at just crashed...

No, Buddy wasn't dead. How could he, when he had so much more to live? He was a rising star with a brilliant future...

No, Buddy couldn't be dead because he promised to call you again, and he never broke a promise to you.

So, he wasn't dead... He was alive... Alive... Alive...

Those words were repeating in your mind like a mantra. You couldn't accept the possibility that the world lost the most precious person of all...

Four days had passed, even if for you, it seemed like eternity. Inside your mind the fact that Buddy died in a plane crash was beginning to be accepted. Oh but your heart was so broken that you thought that it would kill you... Your soul was hurt, when half of it died with Buddy on that tragic day. 

Staring at the Church paintings on the walls, the voice of a preacher was only a background noise to your thoughts. For a moment you wished that Buddy could just show up from the front door laughing saying it was all just a big stupid joke... But you knew it wasn't... He was gone... And nothing in this world could bring him back from the afterlife.

The funeral ceremony was simple, yet painful. And even though it was Buddy's last goodbye, you just wished you could be at home, among the million things that remind you of him. Your eyes couldn't hold back the tears as you said your last goodbye and left a white rose on his casket. 

At that moment, the truth couldn't be denied any longer: Buddy was dead, and your world was just crumbling down...

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