John F. Kennedy #2

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Author's note: I don't mean to, in any way, offend President JFK memory or image. This is just an imagine.

Requested by: @lizzyspride


Some raindrops started to fall just a couple of minutes before John leaves the White House. One of the guards, always waiting at the door, opens up an umbrella for John, but he couldn't care less if he got soaked in the pouring rain. 

The last days felt like a nightmare, as he carried on his Presidential duties like a robot with no emotions. The Americans, or better, the all world, was watching him attentively. Most of them must feel sad or pity for him, so John couldn't bear watching the news on the television or read the newspaper. He knew exactly what everybody was saying:

"Wife of President Kennedy killed in Dallas, Texas"

John felt his fists clench just by thinking about that fateful day. The bullet was supposed to hit him... So why did the destiny decide to take his sweet wife instead? She still had so much more to live... So many dreams to live...

"We are almost there, Mr. President.", his driver spoke for the first time since he entered the vehicle.

John didn't take his eyes from the foggy window. He was trying to keep a brave face, taking slow and steady breaths. Nobody wants to see a president cry, because everyone likes to think that presidents don't cry just like everybody else.

He played with the golden ring on his left hand. Memories of the wedding day flooded his mind, and all he could think was about her warm and gentle smile. They were so happy on that day, that John thought to himself that he felt like the happiest man in the world.

Tears started to appear in his eyes just by thinking about that day, and John took a deep breath.

Presidents don't cry, he repeated to himself. 

But that wasn't true...

The reporters were already there as his driver stooped the vehicle.

"We arrived, sir. ", The driver said, and looked at the president in the rear-view mirror. John saw in his face the sadness and pity that he saw in everyone else.

Preparing himself for the moment, John took a deep breath before opening the door. As he stepped out of the vehicle, the cameras started to take pictures of him. Their flashes were so bright that not even John's sunglasses helped. He walked alone to the place where the eternal flame was going to be ignited. It was a beautiful memorial to his late wife, and maybe she would like it.

Her name was craved on the stone like an eternal memory of her. The flame, that would keep burning for eternity, was a way of saying "she was here, and she left her mark in the world". John couldn't think of a better way to pay tribute to his wife.

The eternal flame memorial was a place he could visit every time he wanted. It was a way to feel closer to her, until they meet again on the other side. 

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