Al Pacino

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You and Al Pacino went on a date after some mutual friends introduced you. He was a nice man and a gentleman and you both seem to have chemistry from the start. He made you smile and, more than that, he made your heart beat a little harder.

He took you on a date in an Italian restaurant and you loved every moment. He accompanied you home at the end of the meeting, and when you stood in the backyard of your house, he seemed to be suddenly shy. None of you knew what to say... The truth is that you didn't want that night to end.

"It was an excellent night," Al said.

"It was indeed. I loved it.", You said.

He smiled.

"We should do it again," he suggested. "When you can, of course."

"Yes." You said and hoped for another date. "You can call me on Friday night. We could go somewhere. If you want, of course."

"Of course I want." Al said smiling.

Suddenly you were silent. You both knew it was time to say goodbye.

So Al seemed to get a little closer to you. You looked at him in the eye and wondered if he was going to kiss you. You wanted it so badly. Even if you felt a little embarrassed and shy. And as if he was reading your thoughts, Al came over for a kiss and you tilted your face in his direction as if you gave permission.

The touch of his lips on yours made your heart race. He kissed you gently with a hand resting gently on your face.

When you parted he smiled at you.

"Good night (Y / N)", Al said.

"Good night, Al.", you just said.

Upon arriving home after your meeting, Al dropped his body under the small sofa of his living room still thinking about you and the date. You were so beautiful and he was so in love.

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I love Al Pacino so much!

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