Chapter 3

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"Love!" Hannah cried as she jumped over me.

"Hannah, why?" I asked calmly as I finished packing my bag that made the two of them surprised. Maybe because I'm calm today and not complaining about how clingy Hannah was? I still don't like how clingy and loud she is. But for me not to be caught by them I should do something. But am I doing the right thing?

"Eh? Why? What's with those faces?" If only you can see them right now? They're expressions were so priceless.

"Are you ok? Are you sick?" Hannah asked as she touched my forehead by the back of her palm.

"yeah, I'm ok." I smiled at them and that made them more shocked. They exchanged stares and the word anxiety was all written on their faces. I'm actually enjoying this scene.

"Hey, if this is about what I did last night, I'm sorry. And if you're mad just say so, show it! It's better than giving me silent treatment." Cath explained as she throw her hands in the air dramatically.

"Oh, About that, I guess I'll just let you slip for now. And silent treatment? I'm not doing such thing?" I chuckled and already picked my bag from my table. "Sorry girls but I need to go now. Just see yah tomorrow!" I said then left them with dumfounded faces.

I ran as fast as I can to reach the parking lot. And when I was finally inside the car, I immediately commanded and instructed our driver, Uncle Lucas to drive me to the address I gave him. When we already passed the university gate I tilted my head up while still panting.

"Geez! W-When were the last time that I run that fast?" I said while trying to catch my breath.

"Love, are you ok? It really looks like you're in a hurry?" Uncle Lucas our driver for ten years already suddenly asked.

"Yup, I'm ok. I just have a very important business to do, that's why I'm in hurry." And also because I don't want to give those two any chance to figure out my plan. Well technically this ain't my plan. It's that nosy stalker's plan. Yeah, it's Mark Tuan's.

After knowing that my parents already found a guy to be my fiancé, if I ever lose in that one sided deal. My mind became as messy as Hannah's room and because of that I ended up calling him. And accepted his offer to help, to teach me everything about love and how to love.

But does my decision of accepting that nosy stalker's help was really right? I mean, he's a total stranger?! I only know that his name is Mark Tuan, I'm not even sure if it's really his real name?

Mark Tuan, A bored nosy, flirty, stalker player that wants to do something fun and interesting in his damn life. And apparently he found my problem as that fun and interesting one so he offered me his kindness, insert sarcasm. I stared outside the window and sighed. I guess I should send him message that I'm on my way now?

I took my phone from my pocket and started to type a text for him.

Mr. Tuan

OMW! Any minute from now I'll be already there IF it's really true that it will just take 20 mins drive from my university to there.

I sent it already and stared outside the window again. But my phone rang after less than minute and got a reply from him.

Mr. Tuan

Yo! Kk, I got it. Lets just meet at the convenient store. And you really don't trust me, do you? :/

I raised my eyebrow after reading the last part of his message.

Mr. Tuan

Are you serious with that question?
Even I decided to accept your help it doesn't mean I can give you my whole trust already.
Remember, you're still a complete stranger to me.

If I'm a complete stranger to you and you don't trust me....
Then why are you coming alone in my place?
This stranger might do something lewd to you, you know? 😏😉

I raised an eyebrow again with his statement and then I narrowed my eyes as I reply to his previous message.

Mr. Tuan

Are you scaring me, huh? 🙂
If you do well I'm sorry but it won't work.
Because until now I'm still doubting your gender.😊

I smirked as I sent my reply. Does he think that he can scare and make fun of me? Hell no! I won't let you, dude.


"Where already here, Love." Uncle Lucas informed me after parking the car in front of the said convenient store. Yeah he's right, it only took 20 minutes to be here.

Until we reached the said place, I never received any response to my last message to him. I wonder if he don't want to talk to me anymore because I offended him or made him mad? But if that's the case he should just told me not to come and just go home, right? I chewed my lower lip as I think of the possible reasons.

I glanced outside the window and saw him sitting inside the store holding a can of drink. I can't see what kind of drink it is though.

"Uncle Lucas, you can leave me here and go home already. I'll just call you if you'll going to pick me up already." I instructed as I wore a smile.

"Are you sure? This place doesn't look like safe for someone like you, though? Should I just wait here until you finish your business?" Uncle offered but I declined immediately.

"I'm really ok. Besides, I'm not alone you see that guy over there? I'm meeting up with him. So don't worry anymore." He narrowed his eyes and stared at the guy I pointed from head to toe. Wow! If that kind of stare can kill, maybe Mark was already dead by now.

"You're meeting with a guy?" Uncle asked with his eyebrow raised, I just chuckled in response.

I patted his shoulder and smiled at him. "I know you're worried Uncle but seriously, I'll be ok. So you can go now, just tell mom and dad that I just have something important to do. And yes! I'm meeting with a guy. Thank you so much, Uncle Lucas!" I usually call him uncle since he's serving our family for ten years already, we treat him as family. Not only him but also our other helper at home.

He opened the door for me. "Thank you!" I hopped out from the car.

"Something important to do, with that guy?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrow. I chuckled after seeing that doubtful expression on his face.



After Uncle Lucas left, Mark came out from the store carrying a brown paper bag. I raised an eyebrow as I saw the outfit he's wearing. That white oversized printed long sleeve, under it is a plain shirt, paired with a Tattered jeans and snickers. And he's wearing a silver earring on his right ear, a silver necklace and those silver rings that he was also wearing yesterday and his hair was not brushed up just like yesterday.

It's quite different from the outfit he was wearing when I first met him. But this comfortable outfit suits him better, on my own opinion.

"Well, Hello?" I greeted him with that awkward smile. He stared at me for couple of seconds then walked away already without saying any words to me. "Ah?! Should I teach you about manners, huh?!" I cried but didn't get any response.

I narrowed my eyes while watching him walking away from me then suddenly he stopped

"Are you coming or what?" I raised my eyebrow in surprised on what he said while he continued from walking.

This guy, did I really offended and made him mad? I hissed and rolled my eyes. "Fine!" I shouted as I started following him. "If only I don't need him, I already punch his damn face!" I whispered to myself then rolled my eyes in so much annoyance.

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now